Our 2020 Small Business Report + 2021 Trends

Welcome to the first Small Business Show experience of 2021! We hope you had a great holiday, all things considered, and we’re excited to be with you for what will surely be a terrific year with some tremendous success for all of us.
Join us as your hosts Shannon Jean and Dave Hamilton talk about how their various businesses performed in 2020 with insights into why they did better or worse during the Pandemic and what they expect to do in 2021.

00:00:00 Small Business Show #309 for Wednesday, January 6, 2021
00:01:38 How was your year?
00:10:41 SPONSOR: Issuu . The All-In-One Tool To Create & Distribute Great-Looking Content. Get Issuu for free or get 50% off a Premium account. Both at Issuu.com/podcast with promo code SBS.
00:12:19 Why was your year like that?

Be Ready for The Rebound

00:27:53 Predictions for 2021

Prediction: US reopening truly begins April
Prediction: Q4 next year will be ROCKIN’
Prediction: 2022 will begin the “Roaring Twenties” for us
Prediction: Bitcoin will double this year, ending north of $60K

00:39:14 Plans for 2021

Book Publishing
New Hires
More exposure

00:46:40 SBS 309 Outtro

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