Hiring too Slowly and the Concept of Levers

It’s time for more small business therapy on episode 314 of The Small Business Show. We start out with your co-host Dave Hamilton discussing his hiring challenges for a very specific position within one of his businesses. After we work on that issue it’s on to Shannon Jean’s new Concept of Levers and why levers are so important for your Small Business Success. Listen in and then share your own stories with us!

00:00:00 Small Business Show #314 for Wednesday, February 10, 2021
00:02:38 Review Small Business Show
00:03:52 Biz Therapy: Hiring Too Slowly

Pre-interview questionnaire
What are your salary requirements?
“If you’re the type of person who wants to create a position, this is for you.”

00:16:24 SPONSOR: LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Start your 60-day free trial of LinkedIn Sales Navigator today by going to LinkedIn.com/smallbusiness
00:18:16 Levers

Board of Advisors
Link up with Shannon Jean and Dave Hamilton
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00:27:16 SBS 314 Outtro

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