Top 10 Small Business Owner Personality Traits

What personality traits do successful Small Business owners share? Which traits help Small Business owners to overcome adversity to find success? Join us today on The Small Business Show to find out!
Your hosts Shannon Jean and Dave Hamilton each share their list of essential traits they believe create successful Small Business owners. Listen in and compare your own traits with their list!

00:00:00 Small Business Show #346 for Wednesday, September 22, 2021
00:01:41 What is Small Business Week, and Why Doesn’t It Matter?
00:08:01 SPONSOR: SaneBox . SaneBox’s Artificial Intelligence monitors your Inbox. Automatically, knucklehead email is moved to your SaneLater folder. All that’s left is the important stuff and your smiles. Use for 14-days free and a $25 credit .
00:09:55 SPONSOR: LinkedIn Jobs will help you hire the right person for your role. Post your first job for free at . Terms and conditions apply.
00:11:47 Top 10 Critical Business Personality Traits
Attention to Detail
Using Your Ego as a Tool
Comfort with Embellishment, Hyperbole…Persuasiveness
Ability to Network … and Listen!
Money Management
Be able to compartmentalize
Bullheaded Persistence…Resourcefulness
Have a Sense of Humor
00:38:10 SBS 346 Outtro

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