Internal Communications Plan: 7-Step Strategy and Template

We hear all the time that internal communication functions are stretched thin.
“There are too many priorities. Everything’s important. We have so many messages to get out to employees. So many vehicles but we’re not sure which work and which don’t. We don’t have the time to get it all done or enough people or enough budget…”
Sound familiar?
Having a strategic internal communications plan in place for your function is a critical step to getting your time organized, prioritizing, planning, resourcing, and operating at its optimum.
This may sound basic, but all too often we find that internal communications functions don’t have clear plans in place.
And having a clear plan in place is critical to:

Focus internal communications where the business needs them the most
Empower internal communication leaders and teams to be more proactive consultants to the business with a focus on delivering value and impact
Get internal communications teams out of the reactive fire-fighting that causes strain and fatigue
Advocate for employees and their information needs  
Calibrate a range of business and communication messages and needs so they are connected, relevant, and digestible for your audiences
Leverage existing and new channels to reach employees where they are
Measure and demonstrate progress against business and organizational outcomes that matter