Can ChatGPT Help You Price Your Product or Service?

What is the best way to determine pricing for your products or services? Can an AI like ChatGPT help you make the best choice? We think ChatGPT can help tremendously, but probably in a different way than you are thinking about. Join us today for another bite-sized Business Brain episode to talk about pricing strategies.

00:00:00 Business Brain – The Entrepreneurs’ Podcast #418 for Wednesday, January 25th, 2023
00:01:25 The Slight Edge for Teens
00:02:12 ChatGPT’s Pricing Example questions

What price is too high?
What price is so low that it tells you the product won’t be worth it?
What price is starting to get “expensive”?
What price is “a bargain”?

00:12:43 BB 418 Outtro

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