Stop working so hard. Seriously. Stop it!

Photo by Good Faces on Unsplash

When you’re already working hard to grow your business, and it’s not getting the results you need, working increasingly harder is a bad move. So, today I’m going to explain why and also give you some much more effective alternatives.

I’ve worked with some amazingly successful people over the years. Very recently, this has included two business owners who took their businesses from zero to over $10MILLION.  Neither of them work any harder than a hard-working, struggling business owner or for as many hours .

They discover how to do the right things, correctly.

They work effectively.

They avoid making decisions based on general advice.

They accept responsibility and act responsibly.

But they absolutely do not work harder.

Why? Because when a business owner isn’t getting the results they need, when they’re behind where they need to be financially, the tendency is to over-compensate by working harder and doing crazy hours. So, that’s what they do. If you’ve tried this for any period of time, you’ll know it doesn’t work. It can also effect your sleep and your overall well-being.

That’s a very unproductive mix, which does nothing to improve the situation. It leads to ineffective decision-making, increased stress and reduced enthusiasm. What’s more, it’s something prospective clients or customers pick-up on instantly.

The way forward

What you’re reading right now has been written for, and is being read by, people on every continent, spanning just about every industry. And no two of you are the same. However, I have some advice that will be 100% relevant to every one of you, who’s working hard for too little reward.

Right now, it’s as if you’re in a rowing boat that’s pointing in the wrong direction. So, the harder you row and the longer you row, the further away you are from where you want to be. It’s time to stop rowing, get guidance and then proceed in the right direction.

Stop rowing , because your current activity is moving you away from your goals or targets, which is making your situation worse.

Get guidance , because you need to know what to do and/or get the help to do what’s required.

Proceed in the right direction , because your work will now be rewarded.
Stop working so hard. Seriously. Stop it! was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog

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