Oracle Fusion Apps Reporting from Excel. Wait, what?

On-Demand Webinar

Oracle Fusion Apps Reporting from Excel. Wait, what?

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Webinar Abstract

Thousands of business leaders use OTBI and BI Publisher reports every day to run their business operations. Many times, those reports are available as PDF files or spreadsheets easily spanning tens of thousands of individual data items – several hundreds of thousands for larger enterprises. In the PDF form, reports are very tedious to analyze and make decisions from.
For example, first page of PDF may be summary data followed by hundreds of pages of details. It is extremely cumbersome to switch between summary and details with several pages between them. Similarly, if the report is a spreadsheet, business users are often required to format the spreadsheet first to make it useful. For example, they may have to un-merge some cells, perhaps need to delete unnecessary/empty rows etc. All this manual work just to sort the spreadsheet alphabetically!
What if we told you that you can now execute Oracle Fusion Applications reports from Excel? – not just export to Excel. You can simply hit “refresh” to get new data, make ad-hoc edits to the spreadsheet – make those changes permanent if you like them and much more.
Join our webinar where we will learn how you can use Excel to: –

Add/remove/re-order Fusion Application columns
Slice and dice Fusion data with pre-built Pivot tables
Aggregate data with totals, sub-totals, averages and more
Schedule and distribute Fusion Application reports
Share your Excel reports with your team
Run multiple Fusion Applications reports within single Excel workbook

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