Tonight we’re gonna market like it’s 1999

Photo by Mediamodifier on Unsplash

Today you will be served hundreds, maybe thousands of advertisements. You’ll also be sent dozens of spam emails and texts. And one thing they all have in common is that you will ignore them .

But a targeted letter, sent to you, in a plain envelope, which addresses you by name, WILL get opened.

It will have your attention. And this is great news for you and your business.

Pushing the envelope

If you send a marketing letter like the example above, you will enjoy the same impact. Your message will be seen . And you’ll have the attention of your prospective client or customer .

As long as your message is well written and provides them with something of genuine value, you could win big.

What next?

To start with, target 5 or 10 prospects with that same approach every week. Soon, you’ll have lots of actual, prospective clients to follow-up. Lots of irons in the fire. A steady, regular flow of leads.

Just because email marketing is so cheap that everyone is using it, doesn’t mean you should ignore investing in small-scale direct mail marketing. In fact, that deluge of email is precisely what makes your marketing letter stand out and get opened.
Tonight we’re gonna market like it’s 1999 was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog

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