Lead Qualification Explained for Small Business Owners

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Key Takeaways

Lead qualification involves determining how likely a sales prospect is to buy your products or services. 

Lead scoring is a way to rank prospects using behaviors and specific actions. 

The lead qualification process ensures your sales team is efficient.

A lead qualification framework helps your business understand its target audience better. 

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.elementor-heading-title{padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title[class*=elementor-size-]>a{color:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small{font-size:15px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-medium{font-size:19px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large{font-size:29px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xl{font-size:39px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl{font-size:59px} What is Lead Qualification? 

Lead qualification is when marketing and sales teams  determine how likely a sales prospect is to buy  the company’s products or services.  How do teams make this prediction accurately?  Typically, businesses  utilize the data from lead capture forms , customer relationship management software, and other processes.  One common misconception of qualifying leads is that  the process ends when a prospect reaches the top of the sales funnel .  However, lead qualification begins at the top of the sales funnel and continues until the prospective customer becomes a paying one!  Lead qualification has several advantages , which I’ll cover in the next section! 

Benefits of Lead Qualification 

Lead qualification  determines the likelihood of a prospect buying your products or services .  But why is this beneficial? Some advantages of lead qualification include the following:  Understand prospects more It saves time AND money  Build stronger customer relationships  Increase conversions Let’s look at these benefits in greater detail!  Helps to Understand Your Prospects Better When sales and marketing teams learn how to qualify leads effectively, it  helps your company understand your prospects  better.  Therefore, you  understand your target audience  better! Why is it essential to understand who you’re selling to?  You can  create targeted sales and marketing messages  when you know your prospective customer’s pain points, needs, and wants.  As a result, these  messages resonate  with prospective customers, encouraging them to buy your product or service.  Helps You Save Time & Money As a small business owner, you always seek ways to  save time  and  money .  Fortunately, lead qualification helps you and your team do just that! For instance, let’s say you’re selling a high-priced product or service.  You wouldn’t want your sales team  spending time on prospects who aren’t likely to buy  from you.  By implementing lead qualification strategies, your sales team can  focus on leads more likely to convert  into paying customers.  As a result, you’re  saving time AND money  by targeting the right prospects!  Helps You Build Better Sales Relationships Another advantage of learning how to qualify leads is that it helps your sales team  build stronger relationships .  Consumers nowadays  desire a personal connection  with a sales rep or brand before purchasing something.  Therefore, your team MUST know the  best ways to connect  with prospective buyers.  Using lead qualification, you  learn to identify specific actions and behaviors  that indicate when someone will likely buy your product or service. Helps You Align Sales and Marketing  Lead qualification also helps align the efforts of your  sales   and   marketing teams.  By effectively qualifying leads, both departments can  work together to create targeted campaigns  that resonate with prospective customers.  As a result, you’ll experience  better communication  and  teamwork  between your sales and marketing teams!  Marketing and sales departments  must  be on the same page to run effective campaigns.  The  sales process is incohesive  if each team implements separate strategies, and conversions are less likely! Helps You Increase Conversion Rates The ultimate goal of lead qualification is to increase conversion rates.  By targeting prospects more likely to buy, your business has a  better chance of converting leads  into paying customers.  As you learn more about your prospective customers through the lead qualification process, you can  create personalized sales pitches  that resonate with them.  Personalizing the sales process  helps build trust  and  increases the likelihood of a successful sale. 

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Pro Tip #1: When creating criteria for sales leads, creating a checklist for your sales reps is helpful, as this ensures everyone uses the same method. 
- AJ Silber

Lead Qualification Process

There are  five stages  to an effective lead qualification process.  Implementing each stage is ideal for your marketing and sales teams to find the best prospective customers! Here are each of these steps in greater detail.  Stage 1: Create Ideal Customer Persona  The first step in the lead qualification process is  creating ideal customer profiles.  Creating these profiles helps your teams  identify the best type of customers  for your products or services.  Some questions to ask when creating ideal customer personas include:  What pain points do these prospective buyers have that our product or service can solve? What demographic are we selling to?  What type of budget does our ideal customer have?  What social media platforms do our buyers interact with most? Although these profiles won’t exactly match your customers, they should be close. Stage 2: Identify Critical Customer Criteria  After creating ideal customer personas, you must develop criteria for sales leads.  These criteria are a list of things your prospective customers should meet before you place them in the lead qualification pipe.  Some popular qualification criteria include the following things:  Budget  Buying authority  Urgency to purchase  Fit within existing frameworks  Identifying the critical criteria ensures you  eliminate leads that are less likely to convert  into paying customers.  Stage 3: Utilize Technology  Since leads are everywhere, your company needs to  implement a system that captures them.  Technology is an  excellent way to connect  with promising leads from various locations.  For example, you can connect with prospective customers by placing lead capture forms on the following:  Your website’s homepage   Social media outlets  In addition to this, your business should  invest in customer relationship management ( CRM ) software. CRM software tracks all the data of leads interacting with your brand.  Stage 4: Know Your Leads The better you know and understand your leads, the more likely you are to increase conversions!  The sales process is all about creating strong relationships.  So, even if a business has an excellent product or service, the  conversions won’t happen if your team can’t build relationships.  How do you get to know your leads better?  Research  and  track customer data  thoroughly before connecting with them! Stage 5: Reach Out to Leads After completing the initial stages of lead qualification, the final step is  reaching out to leads.  Here are some tips for this stage:  Personalize your communication with leads based on customer data.  Be persistent but not overbearing. Follow up with leads but avoid coming across as pushy or desperate. Use various communication methods like email, phone calls, and social media to connect with leads. By reaching out to every qualified lead effectively through the previous stages, you’ll be  more likely to make successful sales!

Lead Qualification Stages

In every business, qualified leads go through different stages.  Additionally, there are  various types of leads , and your team must understand how to prioritize leads.  Let’s look at the various lead qualification stages! Unqualified Leads Unqualified leads are the people who your marketing team needs to nurture more. Therefore, your marketing department hasn’t forwarded these people to the sales team.  It’s essential to recognize that  unqualified leads aren’t necessarily a bad thing.  After all, your company’s product or service isn’t for everyone.  Still, it’s crucial to identify unqualified leads so your sales reps  don’t waste their time  chasing prospective customers who are unlikely to convert.  Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) A marketing qualified lead is someone who receives marketing materials.  It’s crucial to recognize that  marketing qualified leads must be fit to receive these materials , meaning they meet specific criteria.  Some examples of marketing materials include the following:  Email campaigns  Content offers  Print ads  Exclusive discounts  Newsletters  Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) A sales qualified lead is  someone ready to talk to your sales team.  At this stage, a sales qualified lead has shown your team they are likely  and  interested in your product or service.  Therefore,  these leads are highly likely to convert.  Typically, SQLs display  specific behaviors  before talking with a sales rep.  After all, you want your team to be as efficient as possible, and that starts with connecting with the right prospective customers!  Product Qualified Leads (PQLs) Product qualified leads are  people who indicate they are interested in your product  by doing one of the following actions:  Starting a free subscription Signing up for a free trial A product qualified lead needs a little more time before making a purchasing decision (which is okay!).  Therefore, they want to test your product before committing to it.  Customers who fall in love with their free trial will likely convert to paying customers! Conversion Qualified Leads (CQLs) Lastly, there are conversion qualified leads.  A conversion qualified lead is any prospective customer who has  converted on your business’s website.  Converting on your website means they have done one of the following actions:  Submit a form  Pressed a click-to-call button  These leads indicate  they want your team to learn more about them  using their personal information.  As a result, these leads are  very likely to purchase  your product or service!

Lead Qualification Strategies 

Did you know there are various strategies to qualify leads?  Some examples of these strategies include the following lead qualification frameworks:  BANT GPCTBA/C&I CHAMP MEDDIC  The best lead qualification framework depends on your  company ,  team , and  other factors.  Therefore, it’s helpful to understand how each of these strategies works! BANT Numerous companies in a variety of industries utilize the  BANT  framework.  BANT is  one of the oldest and most popular frameworks  because it’s simple and easy to use.  What does BANT stand for? This framework aims to uncover the following pieces of information:  Budget:  Does your prospective customer have the money to purchase your product or service?  Authority:  Does the lead have the proper authority to sign off on a purchase? Need:  Does the prospective customer have a pain point your products or services can solve?  Timeline:  When is the lead planning to make a purchase? BANT requires you to ask for and  gather considerable customer information during your sales efforts.  For instance, when considering a prospective buyer’s budget, it’s helpful to ask questions like:  Does seasonality impact your leads’ ability to spend money? What other products or services does the lead spend money on?  Is your product or service important enough for the lead to spending money on? Of course, there are other questions you should ask regarding the authority, need, and timeline.  Still, BANT  helps sales teams find the best product or service buyer. One  downside  of BANT is the  timeline aspect.  Sometimes, a strict BANT qualification can tell companies to  consider a lead when they aren’t ready to purchase.  GPCTBA/C&I GPCTBA/C&I is a lead qualification process that  responds to buyer behavior changes.  This acronym stands for: Goals  Plans  Challenges  Timeline  Budget  Authority  Negative Consequences  Positive Implications  The framework  strives to understand buyers deeply , exploring their pain points that products or services can solve.  For instance, GPCTBA asks that salespeople understand a prospective customer’s: Strategic goals  Business model  How their pain point fits into a bigger picture of their professional life  The benefit of GPCTBA/C&I is that your sales and marketing departments collect a lot of information.  However, a  downside of this framework  is that it’s complex and might not be a good fit for your sales force.  CHAMP The CHAMP lead qualification strategy stands for:  Challenges  Authority  Money  Prioritization This framework  defines authority as a call to action  rather than a roadblock, as other lead qualification frameworks do.  Therefore, if a sales agent initially contacts a low-level employee without purchasing authority, the CHAMP framework states you shouldn’t negate this lead.  Instead, your team should use it to map out the company’s organizational hierarchy.  MEDDIC MEDDIC stands for: Metrics  Economic buyer  Decision criteria  Decision process  Identify Pain Champion MEDDIC is  one of the most in-depth lead qualification frameworks  because sales agents must understand every aspect of the purchase process.  Although MEDDIC is  more challenging to implement , it’s valuable because it helps increase forecasting accuracy.  What types of companies is MEDDIC best for? If your company sells a product that  demands behavior transformation  or has a  high average sales price , MEDDIC is ideal.  Overall, MEDDIC helps companies maintain an accurate sales pipeline. 

Lead Scoring Vs. Lead Qualification 

You may be wondering about the difference between  lead scoring  and  lead qualification.  Let’s break it down using a fun analogy.  Think about picking a team for a basketball game at school.  Lead qualification  is like choosing the kids you know can play well and are interested in the game! These kids will help you score points and win the basketball game. On the other hand,  lead scoring  is about ranking these players based on how well they play.  The kid who can shoot three-pointers from anywhere in the gym gets a higher lead score than someone who primarily assists other players.  Both processes are essential  to form a strong team or, in business terms, to find customers most likely to purchase a product or service. Lead scoring is an efficient way to rank prospective customers.  When a prospect has a high lead score, that means they are  more likely to convert to a paying customer  than someone with a lower score.  In comparison, a  lead qualification process is a checklist  your sales and marketing department uses to determine whether a prospect is ready to purchase.  For several reasons, lead scoring and a lead qualification process are  essential for companies.  However, the primary reason it’s critical to score and qualify leads is so that your  sales department is as efficient as possible!  When sales agents spend time chasing dead leads (people unlikely to purchase products or services), it  takes time away from pursuing qualified prospects!

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Pro Tip #2: Ensure you incorporate both demographic information and behavioral cues in your lead scoring because you'll define your target audience better.
- AJ Silber

Lead Qualification Questions

What questions should you ask as you qualify leads?  Here are some examples! “How did you hear about us?”  This may seem like a simple question, but it can actually be an excellent way to qualify leads.  For instance, this question helps you and your team identify the  most effective lead source.  Also, asking prospects this question shows how well they know your brand, products, and services.  “What problem are you trying to solve?” Pain points are a  driving reason  consumers make purchasing decisions.  Therefore, it’s helpful to know what problems your prospective customers are trying to solve.  That way, you know whether your products or services can help each lead your sales agents find. Asking this question ensures your sales agents pursue the right leads! “What have you tried in the past?” Determine the products or techniques your prospective customer has  tried to use in the past  to solve their problem.  That way, your sales agents  don’t recommend a solution they’ve already tried , which wastes time and might annoy the prospect.  “Who is the decision-maker in your organization?” This question is an essential part of lead qualification.  It helps your sales team identify whether they are  speaking with the person who has the authority  to make purchasing decisions.  If they are not, your team can use this as an opportunity to  navigate through the organization  and reach the appropriate individual.  By doing this, you ensure your sales team’s efforts are effectively targeted.  “What is your timeline for making a purchase?” Knowing the  timeline of a prospective customer  helps determine how ready they are to make a decision.  Understanding this can also help create  personalized follow-up strategies  and avoid wasting resources on leads that aren’t yet ready to buy.

Lead Qualification Checklist

There are five things to include on a sales qualification checklist, including:  Pain points  Budget  Purchase power  Deadline  Mutually beneficial relationship  Here’s everything you need to know about each of these checkpoints! Clear Pain Points First, you must check that your products or services can  solve a prospective customer’s problems.  If they can’t, pursuing this lead further doesn’t make sense.  Remember, solving pain points is a  primary consideration  for most customers when deciding between products or services.  A Budget (or a Willingness to Make One)   Budget is a critical checkpoint.  Most customers won’t be able to purchase your product or service without some allocated budget.  Alternatively, if your company offers  payment plans  or  financing options , it’s essential to check that the prospect is open to this option.  Purchase Power (Decision Maker) When qualifying a lead, it’s essential to  identify the person with purchasing power.  If you’re speaking with someone who isn’t the decision-maker, it’s critical to  determine whether they can connect you  with the right person or influence their purchasing decisions.  A Deadline or Strict Timeline It’s essential to understand if there is a strict timeline for the purchase.  For instance, some companies have end-of-quarter or fiscal-year deadlines. Therefore, your company must determine whether it can meet these deadlines before pursuing the lead further.  A Mutually Beneficial Relationship Finally, it’s crucial to ensure that a possible business relationship would be  beneficial for both parties.  If the prospect isn’t an ideal fit for your company or vice versa, it doesn’t make sense to continue pursuing this lead.  A  mutually beneficial partnership  is critical to long-term success in any business deal.

Levels of Prospect Qualification

There are various levels of prospect qualification, including the following:  Organization-level prospect qualification  Opportunity-level prospect qualification  Stakeholder-level prospect qualification  What are the differences between these prospects? Here’s everything you need to know! Organization-Level Prospect Qualification Organization-level prospects are the  most basic level  of qualification.  At this stage, you and your team determine whether you must  do more research on the potential customer.  This