Frontline IB: Salvador Carmona

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Salvador Carmona is a professor of Accounting and Management Control at IE Business School-IE University, where he serves as Dean of Faculty and Rector, respectively. Salvador’s research focuses on the organizational and social aspects of accounting.  More specifically, Salvador examines accounting and gender; the role of accountability in the development of modern nation states; and the role of accounting discourses in religious, non-profit organizations.
Salvador has published in journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society; Journal of Business Ethics; Organization Studies; Management Accounting Research; Accounting and Business Research; Journal of Accounting and Public Policy; Abacus; European Journal of Operational Research; and International Journal of Operations and Production Management . A former editor of European Accounting Review and senior editor of Oxford Research Reviews , Salvador is on the editorial board of fourteen international journals.
He has received honorary doctorates from the University of Almeria and Aalto University and has been granted the Hourglass Award of the Academy of Accounting Historians and the Anthony G. Hopwood Award for Academic Leadership of the European Accounting Association.

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