11 Unique Ways I Use ChatGPT To Make My Life Easier

As someone who uses AI tools like ChatGPT, I want to address the concerns and negative press surrounding its use. While I understand that there are valid concerns about the misuse of AI tools like ChatGPT, I believe that when used properly and with specific prompts, it can be incredibly helpful in simplifying tasks and creating more efficient workflows.

The key to making an AI tool like ChatGPT provide an accurate and useful result is to focus on Prompt Engineering. Prompt Engineering is the practice of constructing detailed queries that the tool can then use to develop a context-rich response.

Below are eleven examples of ways that I have used ChatGPT in my business, mentoring, and personal life.

1 – Finding Keywords

One example of its usefulness is in extracting keywords from a document. Recently, I requested ChatGPT to search a blog post and extract the top five keywords.


Search the following document and extract the top 5 keywords: [Pasted the contents of a short blog post]

After pasting in my query, ChatGPT read the post and produced a list of keywords.

ChatGPT Response:

Keywords: chunking, rule of three, communication, memory, information processing.

2 – Creating Interview Questions

Another example of its usefulness is in prompt engineering, which involves crafting specific prompts to get the desired response from ChatGPT. I used this technique to develop a series of non-typical and thought-provoking interview questions for the director of culinary services position at ABC Senior Living Center.


Develop a series of 5 interview questions that are non-typical and though-provoking for the position of “director of culinary services at ABC Senior Living Center” Questions should endeavor to explore the applicant’s strategy to attract and maintain both front of the house and back of the house employees, the soft skills of to manage a diverse staff, creating public culinary events open to the public to create brand awareness for the facility and leads for marketing.

ChatGPT was able to provide me with five excellent questions that explored the applicant’s strategy for attracting and maintaining both front and back-of-house employees, managing a diverse staff, and creating culinary events to create brand awareness for the facility. Below is that

ChatGPT Response:

How do you plan to attract and retain front-of-the-house and back-of-the-house employees with different skill sets and motivations, especially in a competitive job market?

How do you plan to balance the needs of your diverse staff, including managing conflicts and promoting cultural sensitivity, while maintaining high standards of customer service and quality control?

Can you describe a successful culinary event that you have organized in the past? How did you promote the event and ensure that it met the expectations of the attendees? How did you measure the success of the event?

What strategies do you have in mind to create brand awareness for the facility and generate leads for marketing through public culinary events? How do you plan to engage with the local community and collaborate with other businesses and organizations to promote the events?

What are your thoughts on incorporating technology in culinary services, such as using digital menus, food delivery apps, or social media to promote the facility and communicate with customers and staff? How do you balance the benefits of technology with the need for personalized service and human interaction in a senior living center?

3 – Writing a Review:

Prompt engineering is also useful for creating messages, such as a Google review. I provided ChatGPT with specific information about my experience with their services, and it was able to craft a well-written review that included the technician’s name and impressive response time.


Write me a google review for ABC Plumbing. The tech showed up precisely at the scheduled time, Lead technician Travis was knowledgeable, polite, and respectful, and the response time between the time I called for service and when Travis and Mike showed up was less than 2 hours on a holiday.

ChatGPT Response:

I recently had a plumbing emergency on a holiday and called ABC Plumbing for help. I was impressed with how quickly they responded – in less than 2 hours, Travis and Mike showed up at my door. Travis, the lead technician, was knowledgeable, polite, and respectful throughout the entire process. He diagnosed and fixed the problem efficiently and even took the time to explain what had happened and how to prevent it in the future. I was particularly impressed with their punctuality – they arrived precisely at the scheduled time. Overall, I had a great experience with ABC Plumbing and would highly recommend them to anyone in need of fast, reliable, and professional plumbing services.

4 – Document Procedures:

I used ChatGPT to write a message to a potential renter who expressed interest in one of my rental units and our application process. I provided ChatGPT with detailed information about the application process, and it was able to write a message that explained our formal process.


Write me a message to a renter that expressed interest in one of my rental units based upon a listing with multiple pictures of the interior and exterior of the unit. Explain that the pictures are the best way to view the property at this stage of the application process. Due to high demand for our rental property, we can’t staff the units for private viewings for everyone with just a passing interest in seeing the property. We require all interested parties to complete a FREE pre-screening form. Applicants whose self-reported pre-screening information matches our basic criteria will be provided a link to our formal application so we can run a credit and background check. The formal application comes with a $55 fee that is paid to TurboTenant so they can produce a screening report. Based on the screening report we receive, we will schedule an in-person viewing where the applicant can view the property and meet the other tenants of our family-oriented mini-community. After that viewing, we will select the applicant that we feel will best fit our criteria as a renter.ChatGPT Response:

ChatGPT Response:

Dear [Renter],

Thank you for your interest in our rental unit. We are happy to hear that you have taken the time to view the multiple pictures of the interior and exterior of the unit that we have provided on our listing. We understand that seeing the property in person is important to you, but due to high demand for our rental property, we are unable to staff the units for private viewings for everyone with just a passing interest in seeing the property.

Therefore, we require all interested parties to complete a FREE pre-screening form. This will help us ensure that the applicants who meet our basic criteria will be provided with a link to our formal application so we can run a credit and background check. The formal application comes with a $55 fee that is paid to TurboTenant so they can produce a screening report. Based on the screening report we receive, we will schedule an in-person viewing where the applicant can view the property and meet the other tenants of our family-oriented mini-community.

We believe that the pictures we have provided are the best way to view the property at this stage of the application process. After the in-person viewing, we will select the applicant that we feel best fits our criteria as a renter.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this process. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

5 – Writing Marketing Copy

One of my clients is a real estate agent, and we discussed creating effective marketing strategies. Recently, we talked about creating a landing page for a property in Aspen, Colorado. I asked ChatGPT to help us write some marketing copy for her landing page, highlighting why people would want to move to this beautiful town.


Write me some landing page marketing copy for a real estate agent in Aspen, Colorado. Include why people would want to move there, including the many winter and summer activities. Stress the fact that the agent is a top performer at Sotherby real estate and who is a native of Aspen. Include that she has experience as a broker for over 17 years and specializes not in properties for the very rich but for service workers.

ChatGPT responded with a well-crafted landing page that emphasized Aspen’s stunning scenery, endless outdoor activities, and vibrant community. It also stressed the fact that the real estate agent I work with is a top performer at Sotherby Real Estate and a native of Aspen with 17 years of experience as a broker.

ChatGPT Response:

Welcome to Aspen, Colorado – a beautiful mountain town that boasts breathtaking scenery, endless outdoor activities, and a community like no other. If you’re considering a move to this paradise, you’ve come to the right place. Meet our top-performing real estate agent, Jane Doe, who has been a broker with Sotheby’s for over 17 years.

Jane is a native of Aspen and knows the area like the back of her hand. She has helped countless families find their dream home in this stunning mountain town, and she’s here to help you too. Unlike many other agents who only cater to the ultra-wealthy, Jane specializes in finding homes for service workers – making sure everyone in our community has a place to call their own.

Aspen has long been known as one of the most beautiful and exciting mountain towns in the country. With its world-class ski slopes and luxurious resorts, Aspen has become a winter destination for many. But there’s so much more to this town than just skiing. In the summer, Aspen transforms into a hub for outdoor activities, including hiking, mountain biking, golfing, fishing, and more.

If you’re ready to make the move to Aspen, Jane is here to help. With her extensive knowledge of the area, her experience as a top-performing broker, and her dedication to finding the perfect home for you, Jane is the perfect real estate agent to guide you through the process. So, what are you waiting for? Start your search today and let Jane help you find your dream home in Aspen, Colorado.

6 – Resume Review

Another way I often use ChatGPT is to help me review resumes. I simply provided a copy of the resume and asked ChatGPT to write a summary.


Write me a summary for the following Resume: [Pasted one of my older 3-page resumes as an example]

ChatGPT Response:

The resume belongs to Steve Imke, a business manager with over ten years of executive experience running profitable services-based businesses. Steve has a creative mind and is proficient in managing people, programs, finances, and business systems. He has proven his strong strategic thinking abilities and excellent motivational skills. Steve’s professional experience includes working for IC Interactive, e-Publishing Inc., Horizon Interactive, and Digital Equipment Corporation. His professional roles included Vice-President and Chief Technology Officer, President, Vice-President of Operations, Manager, and Course Developer and Education Consultant. Steve has managed all aspects of businesses, including strategic direction, subordinate management, financial and budgetary aspects, and benefits initiation and renewal processes. He also managed vendor management of Great Plains redesign and implementation, benefits, payroll, and the leasing and retrofitting of new offices.

The response is usually a well-written summary of the candidate’s qualifications and experience, but sometimes it can be inaccurate or make assumptions.

7 – Extract Key Points from a Business Book

As an avid reader, I frequently ask ChatGPT to provide me with a brief summary of books I’m interested in to see if I want to invest the time to read the book. For instance, I recently asked for three key concepts from the book “Invisible Influence” by Jonah Berger, tailored to the context of a business owner of a consulting company.


Write a list of the 3 key concepts discussed in the book Invisible Influence by Jonah Berger that a business owner of a consulting company should take away.

ChatGPT responded with insightful ideas on how to use the power of social influence to increase loyalty and repeat business, all using the context of being a business owner of a consulting company

ChatGPT Response:

The book “Invisible Influence” by Jonah Berger explores the power of social influence and how it affects our behavior, decisions, and actions. Based on the book, here are three key concepts that a business owner of a consulting company should take away:

Social Influence: Social influence plays a critical role in shaping people’s behavior and decision-making. As a business owner, it is essential to understand how social influence works and how it can be harnessed to influence the behavior of clients and customers. By understanding the principles of social influence, businesses can better design their products, services, and marketing campaigns to appeal to their target audience.

Identity and Self-Image: Our sense of identity and self-image are strongly influenced by the people around us. Businesses can tap into this concept by creating products and services that help customers express their identity or reinforce their self-image. By doing so, businesses can create a strong emotional connection with their customers, which can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business.

Context and Environment: The context and environment in which decisions are made can have a significant impact on people’s behavior. By understanding the role of context and environment, businesses can design their products and services to better fit the needs and desires of their target audience. Additionally, by creating a positive environment for customers, businesses can increase the likelihood of positive word-of-mouth and repeat business.

8 – Rewriting Transcript Text

One of the most helpful ways I have used ChatGPT is to improve the quality of my YouTube videos by summarizing a transcript from a video. I extracted the audio from one of my videos, which contained a lot of filler words and other distracting elements. I asked ChatGPT to fix the caption text from the video to make it grammatically correct and easier to read.

Note: Much of this post was developed using this same method.


Can you fix the following text that represents the caption text from a YouTube video to make it grammatically correct and easier to read? [Pasted auto-generated video transcript]

ChatGPT quickly generated a much more polished and coherent version of the content, which I could use as a supplement to my video.

ChatGPT Response:

Whenever a customer thanks you, it’s a great opportunity to respond in a more effective way than just saying, “you’re welcome.” By asking for a favor, you can take advantage of the indebtedness that the customer feels towards you after expressing gratitude. This is the perfect time to strike while the iron is hot, and it’s best to begin by simply asking, “Can I ask you a favor?”

Sometimes the client will say “yes” right away, and you can move forward with your request. Other times, they may offer a conditional response, but this is still an opening for you to make your request. For example, if you are looking for a referral, you might say, “Do you happen to know someone who could benefit from our services?”

If you are seeking a review or trying to promote your new business, you could ask the customer to leave a Google review or allow you to place a yard sign in their front yard for a few days. These are just a few examples of how to leverage the power of gratitude to win over more customers. So next time someone thanks you, don’t miss out on the opportunity to ask for a favor!

9 – Writing a Thank You Letter

Another way I have used ChatGPT is to write thank you letters. For my example, I asked ChatGPT to write a thank you letter to a fictitious client who had just switched their multi-million dollar marketing account to my company.


Can you write me a thank you letter to a client name “Fred Smith” that just switched his multi-million-dollar marketing account to Imke Marketing? Reference in the letter that we hope that his wife’s doctor’s appointment turns out fine.

ChatGPT included thoughtful references to the client’s personal situation, such as hoping that their wife’s doctor’s appointment turned out well. The resulting letter was respectful, professional, and easy to copy and paste into an email.

ChatGPT Response:

Dear Mr. Smith,

On behalf of everyone at Imke Marketing, I would like to express our sincere gratitude for entrusting us with your multi-million-dollar marketing account. We are thrilled to have you on board as a client, and we are committed to delivering the highest level of service and results for your business.

We understand that switching to a new marketing agency is a big decision, and we are honored that you have chosen to work with us. We are confident that our team of experts will help you achieve your marketing goals and take your business to new heights.

In addition, we would like to express our sincere hope that your wife’s doctor’s appointment turns out to be a positive experience. Our thoughts are with you and your family during this time, and we wish you all the best.

Once again, thank you for choosing Imke Marketing. We are excited to partner with you and look forward to a long and successful relationship.


[Your Name]

10 – Cooking Suggestions

In my household, I have also used ChatGPT to generate recipe ideas. When I had some leftover corned beef, I asked ChatGPT to give me three recipe ideas.


I have some leftover corn beef brisket. Give me 3 recipe ideas

ChatGPT quickly suggested a corned beef hash meal, a Reuben sandwich, and corned beef tacos.

ChatGPT Response:

Sure, here are three recipe ideas for your leftover corned beef brisket:

Corned Beef Hash: Dice the leftover corned beef brisket into small pieces. In a large skillet, cook diced potatoes until they are brown and crispy. Add diced onions and bell peppers, and continue cooking until they are tender. Add the diced corned beef and cook until it is heated through. Serve with eggs for a hearty breakfast or brunch.

Reuben Sandwich: Slice the leftover corned beef brisket thinly. On two slices of rye bread, spread Thousand Island dressing, and then add Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and the sliced corned beef. Close the sandwich with another slice of rye bread, and grill on a hot pan until the cheese is melted and the bread is crispy.

Corned Beef Tacos: Warm up some corn or flour tortillas. Shred the leftover corned beef brisket and add it to the tacos. Top with shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, sliced avocado, and shredded cheese. Drizzle with sour cream or salsa, and serve with lime wedges on the side.

I was intrigued by the corned beef hash and asked ChatGPT to elaborate in a follow-up prompt. It provided a list of ingredients and instructions to make the dish.

Of course! Here’s a more detailed recipe for making corned beef hash using your leftover corned beef brisket:


2 cups diced cooked potatoes

1 cup diced leftover corned beef brisket

1/2 cup diced onion

1/2 cup diced bell pepper

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

Salt and black pepper, to taste

2-3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley (optional)


In a large skillet, heat the butter over medium heat. Add the diced potatoes and cook, stirring occasionally, until browned and crispy, about 10-12 minutes.

Add the diced onions and bell peppers to the skillet and cook until they are tender, about 5-7 minutes.

Add the diced corned beef to the skillet and cook for an additional 5-7 minutes until it is heated through.

Season the hash with salt and black pepper to taste. If desired, sprinkle with chopped fresh parsley for added flavor.

Serve the corned beef hash hot with eggs for breakfast or brunch. You can also top it with a fried egg or two for a complete meal.

Note: You can also add additional ingredients to the hash, such as chopped carrots, celery, or even leftover cooked cabbage, to switch it up. Feel free to get creative with it!

11 – Writing Code

Finally, I have used ChatGPT to write Python code for my grandson’s robot kit. I asked ChatGPT to write the code necessary for a specific product, the Maker mBot Neo robot kit, to follow a black line.


Write me the python code that I can use for Makeblock mBot Neo Robot Kit to follow a black line.

ChatGPT Response:

Sure! Here’s some sample Python code that you can use with the Makeblock mBot Neo Robot Kit to follow a black line using the line follower sensor:

This code assumes that the line follower sensor is attached to port 2 on the robot. You may need to adjust the speed of the robot and the sleep time to suit your specific needs. Also, please note that this is just a basic example, and you may need to modify the code to make the robot follow the line more accurately, depending on the conditions of the surface and the environment.

ChatGPT not only provided the code but also included information on how to hook up the kit to the robot and how to handle forks in the road. My grandson was able to copy and paste the code directly into his interface and start playing with his robot right away.

In all these cases, I have found that the key to getting accurate and helpful results from ChatGPT is to provide detailed prompts. The more information I provide, the more accurate and useful the results are. Overall, I have found ChatGPT to be an incredibly versatile and powerful tool that has helped me with a wide range of tasks.

Let me know in the comments below about other ways you have used AI tools like ChatGPT in your business and personal life.

Related Post: How to Use OpenAI’s ChatGPT And DALL-E 2 For Your Business



The post 11 Unique Ways I Use ChatGPT To Make My Life Easier appeared first on How to Advice for your Side-Hustle or Small Business .

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