Get Ready For Our New Look Coming in April

We have been creating and sharing small business content at SteveBizBlog for over nine years and have published over a thousand posts on various topics and challenges that small business owners face. Our homepage has been formatted as an e-zine where posts have been organized chronologically and covered a wide variety of random topics.

Over the past few years, we have seen a shift in how our visitors consume our content. Fewer visitors to our site are there to read our latest post, and more are there to search our archives for specific content. We are proud of our content repository and want to make it easier for our visitors to find what they need. That’s why we are changing the format of our homepage to make it more search friendly.

Our new search-friendly homepage will enhance the default search functionality of our website. It will offer several advantages for visitors looking for relevant information on SteveBizBlog. Some of the benefits of our new homepage will be:

Enhanced ability to search for partial matches, synonyms, and phrases. This means visitors can find what they need even if they don’t know the exact term or spelling.

Search results will be sorted by relevance, not by date. This means visitors can see the most important and useful content first, regardless of when it was published.

Search terms will be highlighted in the results pages, making it easier for visitors to scan and identify the relevant parts of the text.

Enhanced ability to browse content by frequently used keywords and posts organized into a table of contents.

The ability to use our guided search using our small business advice navigator.

You can still see our latest content and search our archives chronologically; however, our new homepage will be much more search-friendly. We hope you enjoy our new look coming in early April. 

Regards, Steve

P.S. Sneak peek below



The post Get Ready For Our New Look Coming in April appeared first on How to Advice for your Side-Hustle or Small Business .

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