What is a Marketing Funnel & How to Use One

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Key Takeaways

A marketing funnel outlines the steps prospects take to purchase your products or services.

Marketing funnels can help companies better understand their client base. 

The stages of the marketing funnel include awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty.

Marketing AND sales teams must understand the company's marketing funnel. 

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.elementor-heading-title{padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title[class*=elementor-size-]>a{color:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small{font-size:15px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-medium{font-size:19px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large{font-size:29px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xl{font-size:39px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl{font-size:59px} What is a Marketing Funnel?

Before I can show you how to use a marketing funnel,  you must understand it!  Marketing funnels  outline customers’ most straightforward journey  to purchase your products or services.  This  visual framework  is a critical element of any marketing strategy!  Why? You might ask.  Well, a marketing funnel  connects  and  engages  with customers along their buying journey.  When companies go out of their way to  form deep, meaningful connections with customers , they increase the chances of the following things:  Loyal customers  Positive word-of-mouth marketing  Higher value purchases  Collecting informative data  Of course, every customer’s journey is  more complex  than a marketing funnel displays (and that’s okay).  Marketing funnels account for customers entering, leaving, and even moving around the funnel.  Still,  this tool lays out each stage , indicating how and when is the best time to reach out to these prospects.  These funnels are also crucial for the following things:  Lead generation   Lead nurturing   As companies  generate leads , they utilize specific campaigns to attract new leads.  Similarly, when businesses  acquire leads and need to nurture them , there are specific actions that boost the likelihood of conversion.  A  marketing funnel connects the dots , if you will, to these stages and everything in between.  As a result, teams can confidently choose the content and messaging that  works best for customers  and  captures their attention.   These marketing strategies and data ultimately lead to  higher conversion rates and meaningful customer relationships! The following section will cover the  various advantages  of implementing a marketing funnel! 

Benefits of a Marketing Funnel 

Is it  really  that important to understand how a marketing funnel works? Why does your company need this tool?  Trust me,  I understand the hesitation of trying something new , especially if your marketing campaigns are successful.  However, you MUST consider the advantages of marketing funnels! These  benefits  include the following things:  They encourage meaningful, organic growth  They help teams understand their target audience  They enable teams to master their customer journey/sales cycle Let’s look at these three benefits in closer detail! Encourage Meaningful Growth  Marketing funnels help  encourage meaningful growth  by providing a clear, structured path that prospective customers follow from discovering to purchasing your products or services.  This  structured approach  allows businesses to do the following things:  Identify key touchpoints Optimize engagement strategies Foster a more robust conversion strategy Also, funnels help to  eliminate wasted marketing efforts! There’s nothing more frustrating than wasting your company’s precious time, energy, and money! Fortunately, a marketing funnel focuses energy and resources on strategies  guiding customers through the sales process.  By understanding the stages in the customer journey , businesses can create more  effective ,  targeted marketing campaigns , leading to increased conversions and meaningful business growth.  Why is driving meaningful growth crucial for companies?  Simple.  In a competitive business environment, achieving sustainable growth is paramount.  By implementing a marketing funnel, businesses can ensure that their marketing efforts are not just fueling short-term sales but are also contributing to long-term growth by:  Attracting new customers Retaining existing ones Building a loyal customer base These aspects are  critical to a business’s success and longevity , making the funnel an indispensable tool for meaningful growth! Better Understanding of Customers  Understanding customers and their needs  is fundamental to the success of any business, and that’s where a marketing funnel can be invaluable.  A marketing funnel provides  insights into your current and potential customers , helping businesses understand how customers interact with their brands.  This understanding can  reveal customers’ motivations, concerns, and decision-making processes  at each stage of the buying process. Knowing what your customers  like  and  dislike  is invaluable for several reasons.  First, this knowledge  allows businesses to tailor their marketing tactics  to meet customers’ needs and preferences at each stage.  This targeted approach can  significantly improve engagement  and conversion rates.  Secondly, understanding the customer journey can help businesses  identify potential issues or bottlenecks  getting in the way of successful conversions.  Lastly, a comprehensive understanding of customers can  inform product development , helping businesses create products or services that better meet the needs of their customers! Master Your Purchase Cycle  Marketing funnels are crucial in helping businesses master their purchase cycle by  providing a clear roadmap  from a customer’s first contact with the brand to the final purchase decision.  Marketing funnel metrics  break down the buying journey into distinct stages , allowing companies to  tailor their strategies  according to each stage’s specific needs and behaviors! By doing so, businesses can deliver the right message at the right time.  Also, marketing funnels  highlight the pain points  in the purchase process, bringing attention to areas that require improvement.  This understanding can  lead to more effective campaigns and higher conversion rates , positively impacting the bottom line. 

Stages of the Marketing Funnel

Typically, there are  four steps  in the marketing funnel, which include:  Awareness  Consideration  Conversion  Loyalty Understanding these stages helps teams make the best decision to boost sales.  Basically, you ensure your team makes  calculated decisions  founded on data rather than mere guesses based on a prayer.  Let’s take a look at these marketing funnel stages! Stage 1: Awareness  The first marketing funnel stage is  awareness .  Brand awareness is  a prospect’s familiarity with your company , which can include them recognizing any of the following things:  Knowing the brand name  Resonating with the company’s message  Recognizing the tone and style of your brand  Connecting with the brand’s values and culture  Brand awareness starts with teams attracting customers to your company  AND ensuring they remember it.  Basically, you want to ensure potential customers see your social media pages or website and  keep it in mind when they’re ready to purchase  something.  Some of the ways you can get your brand name in front of potential customers:  Digital advertising  Audio ads  Social media campaigns  Content marketing  Remember, some of these methods work better in some industries than others! So, it’s crucial to  know what works best for your company.  Stage 2: Consideration The second stage in the marketing funnel is the  consideration stage.  At this point, potential  customers are aware of your brand  and are  considering whether your product or service fits their needs.  Here, businesses can nurture leads and build a relationship by doing the following things:  Providing more detailed information Offering value propositions Addressing common objections Some ways to show prospects what your brand offers include the following strategies:  Targeted content  Email marketing  Personalized offers or discounts  Ultimately,  the goal is to move these potential customers closer to the conversion point  by making your brand the best choice among all the options they are considering! Stage 3: Conversion The goal of the conversion stage is simple:  you want your prospects to officially purchase your products or services!  When a customer reaches the conversion stage, it signifies  they resonate with your brand , its message, and the problem it solves.  Many companies don’t realize that the conversion stage is an  excellent opportunity to distinguish itself  from the competition!  For instance, some things that can help a brand stand out during this stage include:  Creating product pages that offer detailed descriptions of the product or service  Explaining the meaning or cause the brand supports as a customer is shopping  Providing excellent customer support via a chatbot  Ensuring the website is intuitive yet informative  One helpful aspect of the conversion stage is that  you can gather a lot of marketing funnel metrics.  For instance, you can track things like  ad clicks and conversion rates per ad  based on your website’s analytics.  Also, it’s crucial to remember that the customer relationships you develop in the first two stages  directly influence  whether potential customers convert to paying ones.  Stage 4: Loyalty The final stage of the marketing funnel is  loyalty .  This stage is crucial as it’s  all about nurturing your relationship with the customer  post-purchase to create repeat customers and brand advocates.  At this stage, you should focus on strategies such as:  Email marketing Loyalty programs Customer feedback surveys  Basically, any action that  creates  and  maintains  a strong relationship with your customers is something you should do!  Also,  providing excellent customer service is essential  because it significantly contributes to customer loyalty.  Why am I harping on customer loyalty so much? Loyal customers provide consistent revenue through repeat purchases and are more likely to recommend your brand to others, resulting in new potential customers.  Further, these customers are more forgiving when things go wrong, given their positive past experiences. 

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Pro Tip #1: Understand what metrics like conversion rates and Cost Per Acquisition tell you; these measures indicate whether your marketing funnel is successful. 
- AJ Silber

Marketing Funnel Three-Stage Model 

A standard model for marketing funnels is the  three-stage model.  This model contains the following stages:  Top of the funnel  Middle of the funnel  Bottom of the funnel Here’s what you need to know about each of these stages!  Top  of the funnel (TOFU): awareness stage The top-of-the-funnel (TOFU), also known as the awareness stage, is where  prospective customers first become aware of your brand.  This stage mainly involves  attracting  and  educating  potential customers about your company’s existence and what you sell.  Put simply, this is the stage where  you aim to catch the attention of potential leads  as much as possible, making it essential for your marketing strategy!  Some  popular techniques  companies use at this starting point include:   Search engine optimization (SEO) Social media campaigns Content marketing  Middle  of the funnel (MOFU): consideration stage The middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU), also known as the consideration stage, is where  potential customers compare your product or service with others in the market.  They clearly understand their problem and are  actively looking for solutions.  So, you must aim to  position your brand as the best choice  during this stage.  How can you ensure your brand is the one potential consumers think of first? Try these techniques:  Webinars Case studies Free trials Product demos Detailed product descriptions  Interactive social media posts and campaigns  Bottom  of the funnel (BOFU): conversion stage The bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) is where  prospects decide to purchase your product or service! The final and  most crucial stage  in the marketing funnel is where your leads transition into paying customers (yay!).  Providing  clear and compelling calls to action  is vital to ensuring a smooth checkout process during this stage.  Also, this stage often involves the following things:  Tailored communication Special offers Incentives to stimulate conversion Like the other stages of the funnel, the conversion funnel offers  several pieces of valuable data.  Utilizing this customer data for future business decisions and processes is a MUST to improve and scale continually!

Strategies for Each Stage of the Marketing Funnel

At this point, you’re well-versed in the top, middle, and bottom stages of the funnel.  But  what strategies can you implement  to ensure these stages work as you’ve envisioned?  That’s why I’m here! Below, I’ve listed various strategies for every marketing funnel stage! Awareness  There are several strategies your business can take to make the most of the awareness stage! Content Marketing Creating and sharing valuable  free content  to attract and convert prospects into customers and customers into repeat buyers.  This tactic  establishes your brand as an industry expert  and provides a helpful resource for consumers, subtly promoting your services. Also, content marketing might  entice a potential buyer  to view your company’s website or social media pages to learn more about your products, mission, etc.  SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Implementing SEO strategies can  help your website rank higher in search results , increasing visibility.  SEO includes things like: Optimizing website content Using relevant keywords Ensuring your website is mobile-friendly SEO can be challenging  for small businesses because several aspects impact this metric.  Fortunately,  numerous companies offer SEO assistance , whether you want to do it yourself or hire a third party! Regardless of your chosen strategy,  SEO is a vital consideration  for every business with an online presence.  Social Media Marketing Leverage social media platforms to  reach a wider audience  (it’s a no-brainer!). Regular posts, engaging with followers, and utilizing sponsored ads can  increase brand recognition significantly!  PR (Public Relations) Campaigns A well-structured PR campaign can  raise brand awareness  and create a positive image of your company.  PR could include things like: Press releases Organizing events Partnering with influencers PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising PPC campaigns can  drive traffic to your website , expanding your reach.  My professional tip:  use targeted ads  on platforms like Google Analytics to draw in potential customers who are already searching for products or services similar to yours. Consideration What can you do during the consideration point in the middle of the funnel?  Here’s my advice! Email Marketing Email marketing is  a powerful tool  during the consideration point.  You can  nurture relationships with potential customers  by sending personalized and targeted emails.  Email marketing content could include things like: Educational content Testimonials Case studies Demonstrations that showcase the benefits of your product or service Live Demonstrations or Webinars Hosting live demonstrations or webinars allows potential customers to see your product or service in action.  On top of that, it provides a platform for you to  answer any questions and address any concerns target customers might have , reducing any purchase barriers! Interactive Content Interactive content such as quizzes, calculators, or assessments can engage potential buyers and  provide them with personalized results  or recommendations!  Interactive content  captures their interest and gives you valuable insights  into their needs and preferences! Conversion Here are a couple of actions you and your team can take during the conversion funnel stage! Free Trials Who doesn’t love a free trial?? There’s  zero financial risk  on the customer’s end, and you can show off your product! Offering free trials enables potential buyers to  experience your brand’s usefulness and benefits firsthand.  Also, this is an excellent method to  eliminate any remaining purchase obstacles  and convince consumers to convert! Discounts and Special Offers Discounts or special offers on your product or service can  motivate consumers to buy something.  On top of that, this strategy can  boost customer loyalty and increase sales volume  by encouraging larger purchases. Loyalty How can you turn your target audience into the most loyal customers on the planet?  Try these two techniques!  Referral Programs Implementing a referral program not only encourages current customers to spread the word about your brand but also  rewards them for their loyalty.  This strategy can  enhance customer satisfaction  while attracting new leads and increasing your customer base. Customer Surveys & Feedback Asking for customer feedback through surveys lets you  gain insights into your customer’s experience and satisfaction levels.  Also, understanding their needs and preferences can  help you to enhance your services , which, in turn, nurtures customer loyalty. 

How to Develop a Marketing Funnel 

There are  five steps  to develop a high-functioning marketing funnel.  Taking each step with care is critical so your funnel functions as intended.  When business owners rush through the developing process,  it can result in significant financial and time loss! Let’s look at these steps closer! Step 1: Understand Your Target Customers  Understanding your target customers is the cornerstone of effective marketing.  By  identifying  and  analyzing their needs, preferences, and behaviors , you can tailor your messaging and offerings to resonate deeply.  This knowledge not only assists in  attracting potential buyers  but also aids in  fostering long-term relationships , ultimately contributing to increased customer loyalty and business growth. Step 2: Establish Average Order Value  Establishing the  Average Order Value (AOV)  is vital because it helps you understand how much revenue each order brings in. AOV can guide your marketing strategies by doing the following things:  Aiding in setting realistic revenue goals Planning advertising spends Offering insights into whether upselling or cross-selling tactics might be effective Step 3: Know the Order Timeline Knowing your company’s order timeline is essential because it  provides insights into the customer’s purchasing journey , from initial interest to final purchase. Further, this knowledge allows you to  align your marketing strategies with the customer’s decision-making process. Step 4: Establish a Funnel Strategy  Developing a marketing funnel strategy  provides a roadmap for guiding potential buyers  through their customer journey, leading them from initial awareness to the final purchase decision.  Also, a well-organized strategy allows businesses to  understand  and  effectively address  their audience’s different needs, concerns, and decision-making processes at each funnel stage.  Lastly, a well-structured funnel strategy can aid in the following things:   Predicting customer behavior Optimizing marketing efforts Driving sales and loyalty in existing customers Step 5: Measure & Pivot  Lastly, you MUST  measure  and  adjust  your funnel strategy as needed.  Put simply, you want to  ensure the tactics you’re using are  actually  working.  Otherwise, you’re wasting valuable time, money, and energy (no one needs that!).  So, ensure you utilize tools like Google Analytics and website data to  measure your marketing funnel performance.  Also, adjusting or pivoting your marketing funnel and strategy a few times is okay before you get it right! The first time my team and I created a marketing funnel, it failed. However,  our mistakes allowed us to find the strategy that worked for us! Don’t be afraid of failing. Instead, use it as a lesson to improve. 

How to Measure the Success of Your Marketing Funnel

Sure, you can create a traditional marketing funnel, but how do you know it’s successful?  Below, I’ve listed  four ways to measure your funnel to ensure you’re doing things right. Using a customer relationship management ( CRM ) tool can help you track and analyze all of these metrics! Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) is a vital metric measuring the  total cost of acquiring one paying customer on a marketing channel or campaign.  Put simply, this measure  quantifies how much you’re spending on marketing and advertising  to convert a lead into a customer! It’s critical to ensure you don’t spend more money to convert a customer than your revenue per sale.  Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)  predicts the total net profit from the  entire  future relationship with a customer.  Further, this metric  provides insights into the financial value of each customer  and helps in making decisions about the following things:  Customer acquisition Customer retention Sales strategies  Funnel marketing Conversion Rates Conversion rates are something I’ve mentioned quite a bit (meaning they’re super important!).  These rates are a crucial metric that represents the  percentage of visitors that click on your website or ad campaign and take the desired action , such as:  Signing up for a newsletter