20+ Call Center Features You Should Look For

When you’re scoping out a new call center, there comes a time when you just need an in-depth list of features available. Perhaps you’re looking into call center software and want to know which features actually matter most to your team. 

So, let’s cut to the chase.

We’ve listed the best call center features you need to be aware of when planning to buy your next  call center solution .

Read on for our top 23!

1. Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)

When a customer calls you, it pays to have all their information on hand.

CTI   is the technology that links your computer and phone to bring you features like screen pop, click-to-call, and CRM integration.

When you enable CTI, expect the following functionality and benefits:

Screen pops : give agents details about who’s calling and self-service attempts.

Call routing : ensures every call gets to the desired destination.

CRM integration : ties the enhanced phone and computer experience into your CRM.

Call management : lets agents accept, reject, mute, and place calls on hold.

2. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System

When you hear, “Press one for sales or two for support,” that’s an  IVR  in action. 

It’s the gateway into your business for callers. 

With customizable call menus, customers choose their reason for calling and get routed to a relevant, skilled agent. This removes the need for constant explanation and passing around of customers.

A smart IVR even comes with voice recognition capabilities that make it easier for your customers to get through to the right department.

Customers can say, “I have a query on my December invoice,” and get routed straight to the billing team. There’s no need to hang around for the right option.

If you use chatbots in your  omnichannel contact center   or run a website that you want to use chatbots on, you can build in IVR technology there too.

Here, we’re talking about  intelligent virtual agents (IVAs) . Your basic chatbot only responds with pre-loaded information. An IVA, on the other hand, uses natural language processing to simulate human conversation and provide helpful answers.  

IVAs can answer basic queries like, “How much was my last bill?” or “What time does the Arizona store close?” but also route complex queries through to agents with specialized training in the matter at hand.

3. Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)

ACD  is intelligent call routing to the most appropriate agent or department, every single time.

With automatic call distribution, you can distribute phone calls based on caller ID, business hours, customer support level, and IVR selections. 

As a result, inbound calls reach the right agent or department quickly and without the caller having to dial a different phone number.

If balancing calls between agents is your priority, you can choose to send the next call to the agent who’s taken the least calls that day.

Sound a little like IVR?

It is.  But  IVR focuses on getting the customer to the right place, whereas ACD focuses on directing calls to available agents.

If agent balance is your priority, look into ACD. If customer experience is your priority, go for IVR.

Or, for a perfect balance, implement both!

4. Unified Communications Integration

Unified communications (or  UCaaS ) is the solution that looks after your calls, messaging, and video. 

When you use these communication channels throughout the rest of your business, you need your call center agents to have access to the same.

What’s more, you need a streamlined approach for those agents to have constant access between the front and back offices.

With  59%   of customers saying they’ll end the relationship if getting help requires too much effort, you must ensure your call center solution integrates with your unified communications solution to streamline collaboration between agents and specialists.

Vendors like Nextiva provide a single platform for both unified communications and call centers, meaning a consistent experience and easy access for all users and agents.


Lower average handle times

Higher first-call resolution rates

Higher net promoter scores

Higher customer satisfaction scores