What is a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)? Ultimate Guide

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Key Takeaways

A marketing qualified lead is someone your marketing team determines is a qualified lead. 

Actions like engaging on social media, clicking email marketing ads, and requesting pricing indicate an MQL. 

MQLs are different from sales qualified and sales accepted leads.

Marketing and sales reps must be on the same page regarding what determines high-quality leads. 

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.elementor-heading-title{padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title[class*=elementor-size-]>a{color:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small{font-size:15px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-medium{font-size:19px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large{font-size:29px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xl{font-size:39px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl{font-size:59px} What is a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)?

A marketing qualified lead (MQL) is  a lead your marketing team determines is likelier to become a paying customer  compared to other prospects.  How do marketing teams make this decision? Typically, teams define MQLs by  specific criteria  the business lays out.  For instance, some  examples of criteria  companies use to determine marketing qualified leads include the following:  Website pages visited  Content offers clicked on  CTAs clicked  Social media posts interacted with  It’s  crucial to pursue marketing leads aggressively , as they have the highest chance of converting into paying customers.  MQL vs. SQL (Sales Qualified Lead) The critical difference between an  MQL  and a  sales qualified lead (SQL)  lies in their stage of the sales funnel.  For instance, an MQL is a  potential buyer who has shown  some  level of engagement  with your brand.  These individuals may have shown interest  by taking any of the following actions:  Visiting your website Clicking on your content offers  Interacting with your social media posts (liking, sharing, or posting comments)  Interacting with social media ads  These  actions indicate an interest , making them prime for further marketing efforts. On the other hand,  sales qualified leads  are not just engaged but have demonstrated a  clear intent  to purchase your product or service.  These consumers could have  shown this interest  through actions like:  Requesting a demo Asking detailed questions about your product Filling out a contact sales form Your sales team should focus on sales qualified leads  as they’re further down the funnel and, therefore, closer to converting into paying customers! MQL vs. SAL (Sales Accepted Lead) Sales accepted leads (SALs) are a step further in the sales funnel than marketing qualified leads.  So, while MQLs have shown an interest in your product or service, SALs are leads that the sales team has  accepted as worthy of a direct sales follow-up.  What does a follow-up mean? Following up means the sales team believes  these leads could become customers , fit the target market, and have the potential to close the deal.  In contrast, MQLs are still in the nurturing stage by the marketing team and are not yet ready for direct sales contact.  Essentially, MQLs are leads that have  shown potential , while SALs have been  vetted  and  accepted  by sales teams for further engagement! After your marketing reps nurture an MQL, they’ll pass this individual to the sales team, who will determine if they’re ready for a sales pitch. 

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Pro Tip #1: Meet with your sales and marketing departments regularly to review and alter criteria for qualified leads. 
- AJ Silber

How the Lead Qualification Process Works

Here’s how the  lead qualification  process works.  It’s crucial to note that  marketing and sales teams must be on the same page when qualifying leads  for your company.  A lead starts by becoming a marketing qualified lead , given they meet the proper criteria.  Therefore, just because your company has acquired a lead,  it doesn’t automatically make them an MQL.  Then, if the sales department agrees with the marketing team about the potential buyer, they become a sales accepted lead.  Finally,  the lead becomes an SQL if they have shown intense interest  in your company’s products or services.  The primary things that change an MQL to an SQL are  marketing efforts and personalized communication  because these engage the consumer and encourage them to buy! Also, it’s critical to understand the importance of lead qualification.  Lead qualification standards mean your sales and marketing departments  only pursue the prospects who are likely to convert  into paying customers.  When companies fail to implement lead qualification techniques, it can lead to  wasted effort and money  (two things no business owner wants to deal with!). 

Common Marketing Qualified Lead Actions 

How do companies determine marketing qualified leads from unqualified ones?  Here are  three actions  that signal you’re dealing with high-quality leads! Website Behavior Website behavior includes visiting multiple pages on your website, especially  high-intent pages  like  pricing  or  product details.  This behavior indicates a  keen interest in your products  or services. Essentially, these actions show a potential buyer wants to learn more about your brand, its products or services, etc., before deciding to purchase something.  Therefore,  these website visitors are likely to become MQLs. Content Downloads If users  download a content offer  such as an eBook, an exclusive discount, or a case study, they are likely to consider your products or services.  This proactive step of seeking more information classifies this prospective customer as an MQL! Email Engagement Lastly, there’s engaging with email marketing content.  Engagement with your emailed content, such as  opening emails, clicking links, or responding to surveys , also signals interest.  As you can imagine, higher engagement rates with your email campaigns suggest the lead is more interested and, therefore, more likely to become an MQL. Utilizing software for email marketing purposes is helpful because many tasks are automated.  As a result, you can  allow the software to do the busy work  (sending emails, collecting and analyzing the data, scheduling content) while you and your team formulate plans based on this activity!

How to Get Marketing-Qualified Leads 

The  four steps to getting MQLs  include the following:  Creating lead agents  Gathering customer information  Developing marketing materials for your leads  Removing old leads from the sales process Here’s what you need to know about each of these steps! Step 1: Create Lead Magnets  Creating a lead magnet  starts with identifying the critical problems  or needs of your target audience. Then, you  develop a resource that addresses those issues.  This resource could be any of the following things:   eBook Webinar Free trial Blog posts  These resources should be anything  valuable enough to prompt potential leads  to start their customer journey .  Once your resource is ready, promote it on your website, social media channels, and other marketing platforms to attract and convert visitors into quality leads. Step 2:  Capture Email Addresses, Phone Numbers, Etc.  Collecting customer information is pivotal in creating  personalized marketing strategies  that resonate with your target demographic.  This data  provides insights  into their behavior, preferences, and needs,  enabling you to optimize your products, services, and overall customer experience ! Some examples of information that you can collect include the following:  Demographic data  Name  Addresses  Job title  Company size  Pain Points  Learning about consumers facilitates lead nurturing , allowing your marketing and sales teams to guide potential customers smoothly through the buying cycle.  Using a customer relationship management ( CRM ) tool can help you keep track of this data and use it to your advantage. Step 3: Market to Those Leads  Personalized marketing is crucial because it allows businesses to  tailor their message to the recipient’s profile , needs, and preferences. As a result, this leads to  more effective communication.  Marketing to each lead individually  enhances the customer experience , making individuals feel valued and understood and fostering brand loyalty.  Further, personalized content marketing can lead to the following things:  Higher engagement rates Better customer retention Increased sales Step 4: Clean Old Leads from Your Marketing Funnel  Cleaning old leads from your marketing funnel is an essential step in maintaining the  efficiency  and  effectiveness  of your sales and marketing efforts.  By removing stale or unresponsive leads,  you refine your focus , ensuring your team invests the time and resources in prospects with  genuine  potential.  Also, this practice helps  enhance the accuracy of your sales forecast , as your SQL leads only consist of engaged, high-quality leads.

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Pro Tip #2: Use a CRM system if it's a good fit for your company. CRMs can help with lead qualification, communication, automation, and much more!
- AJ Silber

What a Marketing Qualified Lead is Not

Sometimes, it’s helpful to understand what an MQL is, NOT to really understand what it IS.  Therefore, here are two things an MQL is NOT.  An MQL Is NOT a Guarantee An MQL is not a guarantee  because it identifies a lead’s  potential  to become a customer based on their engagement with your marketing content.  However, an MQL  doesn’t assure that the lead will move forward in the sales pipeline  or eventually make a purchase.  Further, numerous factors may prevent an MQL from becoming a sales qualified lead (SQL).  Some of these factors include the following:   Competition Budget constraints Changing needs Therefore, while MQLs are significant in lead generation ,  they don’t promise conversion into  actual  customers. An MQL is NOT a Regular Lead An MQL is not a regular lead because the marketing team has determined it as being  more likely to become a customer  compared to other potential buyers.  Teams base this determination on the  lead’s engagement with the company’s marketing efforts  and their fit with its  ideal customer profile.  Unlike a regular lead, which might have just shown a basic interest, an MQL has  taken actions that indicate interest in becoming a customer.  Therefore, MQLs are  a more highly targeted group , requiring personalized communication to guide them further down the sales funnel.

Examples of MQL

Sometimes, it’s helpful to see examples of MQLs to understand them better.  Therefore, I’ve listed  four examples  of what a marketing qualified lead might look like for your business! The Engaged Website Visitor An engaged website visitor is an individual who  visits your website frequently.  While visiting your awesome website, they’re exploring various pages,  especially high-intent ones  like pricing or product details.  On top of that, they might have filled out a form on your site, providing you with their contact information.  As you can see,  these actions show a clear interest in your product  or service!  The Content Consumer A content consumer prospect  regularly downloads  or  engages with your content.  Some  examples of actions  a content consumer might take include the following:  Reading case studies  Commenting on social media posts  Reading blog posts  Their willingness to exchange contact information for valuable resources indicates a deeper interest in learning about your products or services, making them an MQL! The Active Email Subscriber This person opens your marketing emails, clicks on links within these emails, and perhaps even responds to surveys or feedback requests.  Their engagement with your email content signals a  high-interest level. Email marketing is an excellent strategy   to teach this lead  more about your company’s mission, the story behind its products, and why your products are superior! The Webinar Attendee This potential customer signs up for and attends your webinars.  The  time commitment  involved in attending webinars  suggests that they are seriously considering your products. Therefore, this potential buyer is an MQL. Remember, while these examples  showcase high engagement  with your content, they are still just potential customers.  The  aim is to convert these MQLs into SQLs  (Sales Qualified Leads) and, eventually, into loyal customers.

Final Thoughts on Marketing Qualified Leads  

Marketing qualified leads are  potential buyers  your marketing department determines are highly likely to purchase your products.  Remember,  these leads differ from the sales leads  (SQL and SAL).  Still, MQL success relies on  personalized engagement , an  accurate lead scoring system , and  inter-departmental collaboration ! Now that you understand what MQLs are, it’s time to utilize your marketing assets to find your own! Good luck conducting your own research to create content that resonates with your target audience. 

The post What is a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)? Ultimate Guide appeared first on Small Business Bonfire .