I had a great interview — why haven’t I heard anything back?

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager .
You had a great job interview, nailed every question, and left feeling optimistic about your chances of getting an offer. Your interviewer told you they would get back to you either way next week, but now it’s been two weeks and all you’ve heard is silence. Should you follow up with them? Is the silence supposed to be their answer? And why won’t they just get back to you with an answer like they said they would!?
Since I started writing Ask a Manager over a decade ago, I’ve probably received more letters from frustrated job seekers about this experience than any other. It’s incredibly common for employers to assure candidates that they’ll be back in touch within a specific timeframe and then end up overshooting that by weeks or even in some cases months. And that’s if they get back to you at all; many of them don’t and instead just ghost applicants completely, even after multiple rounds of interviews.
At New York Magazine today, I wrote about why employers do this and what it means for how you should approach your job search. You can read it here .
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