let’s talk about layoffs — how to prepare and the fall-out afterwards

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager .
It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes:
I have a question I’m hoping you can ask your readers. The tech industry is going through massive layoffs right now and it’s a pretty stressful time for those of us who are 35 and under, who didn’t go through the Dot-Com Bubble or were still in school during the Great Recession.
With second rounds of layoffs kicking off soon, I’m wondering if your readers who have been through layoffs before, regardless of the industry, can share any advice with us. It would be great to hear how people more experienced than us have approached preparing for layoffs, the immediate fallout afterwards, and the impact layoffs had on their overall career/faith in their industry.
Consider it asked. Readers with advice, please weigh in via the comment section.
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