What does ChatGPT know about you?

Today, Sharlyn Lauby, also known as the HR Bartender, asked Bard about herself and got back a pretty good answer. So, being curious I asked Chat GPT about me.

This is interesting, and mostly right. I didn’t go to law school, although I did teach LSAT prep, so it’s safe to say I did better on the LSAT than most lawyers.  I hang out with a lot of lawyers, though, and frequently talk about the law. But I was curious as to where it got that information, so I asked.

I found that fascinating, as I expected it to return with one of the two schools I attended (Brigham Young University and SUNY Stony Brook). It did not. So I asked ChatGPT what it’s source was and it sent me to this webpage:
It gave me further “sources” that said nothing about the Antonin Scalia School of Law, which makes sense as I didn’t attend school there. After telling it that actually, Suzanne Lucas has degrees in political science, it gave me this information:
While I lived in Salt Lake City for many years I never attended the University of Utah.
My point in sharing all this? ChatGPT is a tool and a toy, but mostly a toy. You cannot trust that the information it returns is correct. Use it to help you, but do not trust it.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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