6 Interesting Ways To Celebrate National Good Samaritan Day At Work

National Good Samaritan Day is celebrated on March 13 of every year. It is a day to recognize and celebrate the selfless good deeds of Good Samaritans. Be it helping an elderly cross a road or rescuing someone selflessly, all acts of kindness that do not seek rewards fall under being a good Samaritan.
What is Good Samaritan Day?
This day is celebrated in honor of Catherine "Kitty" Genovese. Her brutal murder on March 13, 1964, near her home, struck a chord in the conscience of several people. A simple act of kindness might have saved her life but due to the negligence of passersby and neighbors. Only the third passerby called the police, but she was already beyond help by then.
This shameful incident is credited with creating the 911 emergency call. There are a lot of parallels that can be drawn from the incident of Catherine Genovese's death and the parables Jesus told about the good Samaritan. The national outrage caused by this day led to people observing the national good samaritan day as a reminder of the negligence that caused the death of Catherine Kitty.
Good Samaritan Day is an annual event encouraging individuals and organizations to act kindly and help those in need. In an office setting, this day can be a great opportunity to promote teamwork and camaraderie while also positively impacting the community. This can involve volunteering at a local charity, donating to a food bank, or organizing a fundraiser for a good cause.
Origin of Good Samaritan Day

According to the Bible, a good samaritan does not mind going above and beyond to help a stranger by taking them out of a troubled situation and taking them to a place where they can be well taken care of.
The history of the term good Samaritan is a parable told by Jesus in the gospel of Luke chapter 10 . The story goes- when Jesus was asked, "Who is my neighbor?"
He replied with a parable. The parable was about a traveler, implied to be of Jewish origin. The traveler was robbed on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho. He was beaten, stripped of his clothing, and left half dead on the side of the road. Several people passed him, including a Jewish priest and a Levite, but everyone avoided the man.
Finally, a Samaritan happened upon the traveler and helped the injured man. He dressed his wounds and took him to an inn where he paid for his stay. Now it is important to note that Samaritans and Jews despised each other.
The parable ends with Jesus commanding the listeners to "Go and do likewise." The neighbor in the parable is the one who shows mercy to their fellow man. This parable, also known as the parable of the good, is the story behind the history of the national good samaritan day.
Importance of Celebrating Good Samaritan Day at Work
Acts of kindness always touch people'speople's hearts, and the good samaritan day is all about celebrating selfless acts of kindness. Celebrating this day at work is important for several reasons:
Promoting a positive work culture:
Recognizing and celebrating acts of kindness in the workplace is essential to encourage a positive working culture . It promotes supportive, collaborative, and empathetic behavior among employees, leading to a more productive and harmonious workplace.
Boosting employee morale:
Recognizing employees for their good deeds helps boost their morale and job satisfaction . Being appreciated and recognized by their colleagues and superiors can help employees feel more motivated to continue performing to the best of their abilities and often go above and beyond.
Encouraging empathy among coworkers:
Celebrating Good Samaritan Day at work is a way to encourage more acts of kindness and selflessness towards colleagues and customers. Empathizing with your coworkers can create a domino effect, as one act of kindness will likely inspire others to do the same.
Fostering a sense of community:
Celebrating this day can foster a sense of community in the workplace by bringing the employees together. Recognizing the selfless acts of your employees to colleagues paves the path to creating a more supportive and collaborative work environment that can help to break down barriers between colleagues.
Improving customer service:
Acts of kindness should not be limited to your colleagues but extend to the customers. It also helps improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Recognizing and celebrating these actions can reinforce the importance of excellent customer service and encourage employees to go above and beyond in their customer interactions.
Since Good Samaritan Day is all about selfless acts of kindness, here is a blog on World Kindness Day Activities you can refer to for more ideas so that you can empathise better with your co-workers.
Celebrating good samaritan day is all about recognizing the selfless acts of the employees. Having a well-formed recognition program in place will help promote a positive work culture and foster a sense of community.
Vantage Circle offers an excellent rewards program that helps easily reward and recognize employees. Timely recognition is essential and has been well-recognized in Vantage Rewards .
How To Celebrate Good Samaritan Day At Work?

A good, hearty home-cooked meal is always welcome for those of your coworkers who stay away from home. This good national Samaritan is the Samaritan who will get them a warm and delicious spread. This will make them miss home a little less.
It is also good for engagement , as eating together is an interactive activity that increases engagement. Plus, organizing such a potluck for the employees staying away from home also points to the fact that you, as an organization and team, are aware of their living conditions and care to try and help in any way you can.
Stand up for bullying:

Workplace bullying is a problem that disturbs not only the employee'semployee's mental peace but also the work environment. Repeated actions targeting particular employees risk employees' health and safety .
If you see such behavior in your organization, you should stand up for it. To prevent any instances of bullying or other unpleasant behavior in your organization, have the employers provide stress management training to minimize such instances. Setting up an anonymous complaint box or even email drop that guarantees anonymity will likely encourage your employees to step forward with their concerns.
Suggested reading: Workplace Bullying: A Major Concern For Companies Throughout the World
Organize a Blood Drive:

Donating blood is a selfless act that has the potential to save a life. You could organize a blood drive in collaboration with your local blood bank. Instead of limiting it to one day, this can be a quarterly or yearly event.
Mentoring Juniors :
Changing jobs or joining the workforce for the first time is stressful. Having a mentor to guide new joiners through their journey can make the transition much easier.
Have your HR organize mentoring programs . This will not only help the mentees, but the mentors hone their skills as well and enhance their sense of belonging.
Organize a Carpool:

Carpools are a good way to help colleagues relying on public transport. This will not only be a good deed for the employees but is also better for the environment. Reducing carbon emissions while helping your colleagues is perfect for celebrating the good samaritan day. And no rule says that it has to be a one-day thing.
Offer Volunteering Opportunities:

Volunteering is an excellent way to give back to the community. This Samaritan day organizes some volunteering opportunities for your employees. This will not only allow your employees a chance to give back to the community, but the act of organizing the activity itself is an excellent team-building activity.
Utilize the skills of your employees, even skills that are not directly related to their profession. Let your employees use their talents to help the community. Employees with teachable skills can volunteer to impart their knowledge by setting up classes to help the community.
At Vantage Circle , we know how important a good recognition culture is for your employees. Reward your employees that volunteer their time with Vantage Points . You can also share their helping journey on the Vantage Circle social feed.
Wrapping it Up
Although there is a designated day to celebrate selfless acts of kindness, it should not limit you from doing good whenever you have the opportunity. Being kind does not cost anything. Instead it gives you a sense of peace and contentment to be able to help someone in need.
Let us resolve to be kinder and more helpful this National Good Samaritan day and make the world kinder.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can we ensure that our Good Samaritan Day celebration is inclusive and respectful of diversity?
A: You can ensure that your celebration is inclusive by promoting diversity and respect for all cultures, and by involving a diverse group of employees in the planning and execution of the celebration.
Q: How can we measure the impact of our Good Samaritan Day celebration?
A: You can conduct a survey to gather feedback from your employees on their experience and the impact of the celebration on the workplace culture.
Q: Can we involve our remote workers in our Good Samaritan Day celebration?
A: Yes, you can organize virtual events such as a video call or a virtual volunteer event that remote workers can participate in.
Q: How can we make our Good Samaritan Day celebration sustainable and eco-friendly?
A: You can use eco-friendly materials for your decorations, serve sustainable food and drinks, and organize a cleanup event in your community.
Q: How can we use social media to celebrate Good Samaritan Day?
A: You can create a hashtag for your Good Samaritan Day celebration and encourage people to share their stories and photos on social media.

A dreamer and an idealist in a long-term relationship with food and sleep, Lopamudra is more than thrilled to be part of the marketing team at Vantage Circle . When she is not in the vicinity or thinking about food, you can find her curled up in a corner with a good book and music. For any related queries, contact [email protected] .