How to Build a More Inclusive Workplace Culture

An inclusive workplace culture has become the norm for most businesses nowadays. Not only does it allow for a more diverse structure of work, but it fosters brand growth by encouraging an environment where everyone can feel welcome and appreciated.
Why is it important to incorporate inclusion in your workplace culture?
It is vital to incorporate an inclusive culture into a business. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it can also provide many benefits for the future success of the company.
One of the major outcomes of a more inclusive workplace culture is the engagement of team members. When engaged individuals feel like they are appreciated and their voices are heard, productivity levels will rise. Additionally, this engagement creates a culture where individuals want to work at the organization for the long haul, reducing employee turnover.
How to Build a More Inclusive Workplace Culture
An inclusive workplace culture does not appear overnight. There are many stepping stones that a business must put in place for all individuals on a team to feel included. Once implemented, some of the strategies can help produce positive results for the company for years to come.
Get Feedback from the Team
Every person in your company matters. It is these individuals that are paving the way for company growth, no matter what department or role they may have. Their opinions and ideals matter and introducing a form of feedback loop that allows individuals to feel heard, but then also implementing those wants and needs will continue to build a culture of inclusion.
Let your team help steer the conversation on inclusivity in the workplace. Whether you set up the feedback loop anonymously or schedule a larger event to encourage all to participate, this strategy will enforce inclusivity goals and initiatives that personally resonate with your team.
Implement a Corporate Wellness Program
Workplace wellness and inclusion work hand-in-hand. Employee recognition and wellness programs can propel inclusion within a company. One of the more prominent ways to encourage an inclusive workplace culture is by implementing a corporate wellness program that recognizes and highlights employee values.
A wellness program can be defined by company culture, but it must include recognition that encompasses every employee. Oftentimes, businesses will do this by creating opportunities for engagement no matter the individual. A few initiatives that help build a successful corporate wellness program are:

Establish corporate gifts and incentives
Implement team activities and include virtual/remote team members.
Develop recognition awards like milestones or leadership awards.

Wellness programs can provide the support your team needs to retain top talent, foster positive engagement, and boost overall productivity.
Understand DEI Initiatives
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives provide support to all employees no matter their background. With a proper DEI strategy in place, employees can have the resources they need to exceed.
While not all companies can hire a DEI leader, it is important that there are standards in place that every employee is aware of. Additionally, DEI training can be conducted to continue to implement those values and uphold the mission.
Practice Inclusive Leadership Standards
To implement any inclusive workplace strategy, leadership within the organization must be practicing these values firsthand. When leaders are held accountable to the same standards of inclusivity, the team can begin to implement and appreciate the efforts as well.
Whether you tie your inclusion efforts to leadership goals or incorporate them into incentive programs, encouraging the individuals that oversee the organization to participate will lead to a more seamless integration into the workplace culture.
Create Safe Spaces for Your Employees
A vital component to the overall inclusive workplace strategy is to make sure that all individuals are covered, even commonly underrepresented groups.
Whether that means making your office space wheelchair accessible, developing a location for working moms to pump privately, or creating digital accessibility to individuals with audio, visual or other cognitive disabilities, it is important to adapt your space so that every person can feel supported.
Set Standards High with Policies
By implementing policies that reinforce inclusive behavior and practices in the workplace, the standard is set high. That means all new hires are brought in with a level of expectations, and anyone who was with the team before policies were put in place will be able to lead by example.
Implement a non-discrimination policy or expand the holiday calendar to celebrate religious beliefs from all backgrounds. By acting, you will show your team that you care about their professional work environment but also value them personally.
Create Inclusion in Your Workplace
Align your inclusive workplace strategy with the needs of your business and your company values. That way, your team feels a part of something bigger and can associate any new initiatives with the future success of the business.
Author bio
Samantha Hausen is a Marketing Operations Manager for Cristaux International – a Chicago-based manufacturing company specializing in recognition programs, custom awards, and trophies. Her thirst for knowledge fueled her career in the world of content. As part of a team dedicated to honoring individuals in the workplace, she encourages brand growth through the power of content.
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The post How to Build a More Inclusive Workplace Culture appeared first on The HR Gazette and HRchat Podcast .

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