How to Leverage a Digital Mindset and Design Thinking to Drive Employee Journeys

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Date & Time: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 2:00 pm ET
Jason Averbook , Senior Partner, Digital HR Transformation Leader, Mercer | Leapgen

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Employee experience and the journey they take in the flow of work are more important than ever before. It’s vital to an organization’s talent and retention strategy to stop criminalizing departures and learn to shepherd people through an overall life cycle with positive engagements through each milestone or new chapter and opportunities to grow along a career path. An employee relationship is layered and goes beyond an employment contract. There is already a level of dissatisfaction if someone has chosen to leave so the last thing any leader wants or needs is more negative interactions that will inevitably damage your brand and ensure that employee won’t come back as an employee, customer or even a brand ambassador and purposefully or not will most likely influence others.
In this session we’ll tackle:
• What is BEING Digital?
• The difference between processes and journeys
• Excellence in off boarding
• Why digitization can make off-boarding a positive experience versus simply a transaction
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