Expanding the REACH of your Ideas

Putting your ideas out there requires courage.
When you do that, you want your ideas to reach as many people as possible. In a connected world, expanding the reach of our ideas brings along diverse connections, serendipitous opportunities and exposure to great new ideas.
My friend Becky Robinson, who released her first book titled “ Reach: Create the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause ” defines reach as:

“Reach is not only about creating the biggest possible audience for your work. It’s also about the lasting impact your work can have. Reach means expanding your audience plus having a lasting impact. ”

The challenge, really, is not putting your ideas out there but ensuring that they are heard enough to bring about a positive difference you are trying to make. Becky Robinson’s book offers four foundational principles of expanding your reach.

VALUE: Value is created when you share your unique ideas, perspectives and solutions in a way that positively impacts others. Sometimes, it takes a while before you identify the value you deliver to others. And by the way, value does not just happen through what you share but also through relationships you build and leverage you create for others through those relationships.

CONSISTENCY: The reach of value you deliver can only be expanded when you are consistent about your sharing. In a world where it is easy to get carried away by shiny new social media tools, sticking to your basics and showing up consistently is important. This requires building sustainable practices that enable you to share and engage consistently.

LONGEVITY: Things happen gradually and then suddenly and it’s no different for strengthening your social presence. You can only share consistently when you have a long term view. One of the keys to longevity is to enjoy the process of sharing and connecting with others without worrying about the outcomes. In my experience, outcomes are always a good by-product of enjoying the journey.

GENEROSITY: Becky says that making meaning and making a difference is impossible without a desire to give to others. Real generosity is not possible without a mindset of abundance.

“Ideas that spread are ideas that are shared in the spirit of generosity.”

The book helps you look beyond the tactics and directs us to the persistence and commitment required over a long period to build influence and impact with your ideas.

How I practice the Four Commitments of REACH?
I connected with Becky 10 years ago and we have been a witness of each other’s journey on social media. She shares the story of how we connected in the book as well.
So, Becky invited me to be a guest on “ The Book Marketing Action Podcast ” where I share about how the four commitments of Value, Consistency, Generosity and Longevity helped me in building relationships and an audience online/offline.
While you can listen to the full conversation here , I also summarized the podcast episode into a #sketchnote.

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The post Expanding the REACH of your Ideas first appeared on QAspire Consulting .