SHRM India Top HR Influencers 2022 Edition

One of the highlights of my journey of learning and sharing online has been consistent recognition by Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM India) in their annual list of top Indian HR Influencers on Social Media since 2012. I am glad to be featured again this year.

I am still inspired every time my work is recognized because it enables me:

To grow network and belong to communities of people who not only choose to share ideas and insights online, but do so through the lens of their own experiences working with people and organizations.

To validate my thinking, challenge it at times and stay on the leading edge of contemporary/changing ideas about how organizations and teams can improve work and workplace

To build relationships and connections with people whose ideas resonate strongly with me.

To guide the thinking of my audiences and spark conversations around topics that I am passionate about: Leadership, Learning and Change Capability

To bring about a positive difference through a wider base for my own insights and experiences, when shared with others.

To explore possibilities and opportunities to collaborate and contribute to initiatives globally.

The list is compiled by an independent agency to analyze online activities through the lens of metrics related to frequency of sharing, reach of ideas, engagement with their content and topical focus.

Share to Learn
Here is a sketchnote I created in 2018 about how sharing your ideas helps you find your voice, courage to express, develop clarity of thought and build foundation of learning in a community. ( Full post here )

Recognition, when taken to the heart, feeds the pursuit and raises the bar for the self. After all, influence is never a goal in itself. It is a by-product of a passionate and intentional pursuit to make a difference to others. More about what leadership influence really means here .

View the full SHRM report with their assessment methodology. (2022, PDF)

Download 2019-20 Report
Download 2017-18 Report
Download 2015-16 Report
Download 2014-15 Report
Download the 2013 Report
Download the 2012 Report

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The post SHRM India Top HR Influencers 2022 Edition first appeared on QAspire Consulting .