What is Outside Sales? Full Guide for SMBs

Does your sales team have difficulty building  strong ,  long-lasting  customer relationships?  Don’t worry if this sounds like something you’re struggling with , as several small businesses experience the same thing every day!  Hi, my name is AJ! After selling my company for  multiple seven figures , I created Small Business Bonfire to help growing entrepreneurs!  Building a business wasn’t easy. But  one detail  that took my company’s sales from just okay to booming was  outside sales strategies! So keep reading if you want to  learn how outside sales can improve client relationships and help your team meet sales quotas!

Key Takeaways

Outside sales are when sales reps meet with potential or existing clients in person rather than virtually. 

The benefits of outside sales include better customer relationships and a higher deal closure ratio. 

Outside sales reps must find, qualify, and nurture leads (or prospective buyers). 

Outside sales salary varies because most of their earnings come from commissions. 

What is Outside Sales?

Outside sales, also called  field sales , is a selling strategy where  sales reps meet potential customers face to face.  Therefore,  these employees typically spend considerable time traveling  to meet prospects in various locations.  Outside sales reps meet with both  new  and  existing customers  and focus on the following things:  Building and strengthening customer relationships  Closing deals  Explaining features, benefits, etc., of the company’s products or services  Ensuring prospective customers feel heard  Many sales professionals believe  meeting with potential customers in person makes building genuine, strong relationships easier.  Where do outside sales reps meet their clients? These  in-person meetings can take place at numerous locations , including the following:  The client’s office  Conferences Networking events  Trade shows  Other industry events  Outside sales representatives are vital for businesses  because they’re responsible for  building solid relationships  and  closing deals  with important clients!

What is Inside Sales?

Another form of selling is through  inside sales.  Inside sales professionals sell products and services through the following outlets:  Phone calls   On the internet  Video chats (Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, etc.) Emails  Basically,  inside sales are when sales reps don’t go out to meet customers in person  but talk to them from their offices or homes instead.  Using any of the previously listed methods,  inside sales teams strive to do the same things as outside reps:  connect with potential customers and close deals.  So,  instead of traveling  to different locations like outside sales reps,  inside sales reps can do their job from one place.  This way,  they can reach out to many people quickly  and explain why their company’s products or services are awesome! As you can see,  there are advantages to both outside and inside sales  processes.  Regarding inside sales, the primary benefit is that sales reps can meet with WAY more people in a day compared to outside agents  because they don’t have to travel anywhere. 

Outside Sales Vs. Inside Sales 

Inside sales vs outside sales;  what’s the difference?  There are  a few aspects that distinguish outside sales reps from inside ones , including the following things:  Location Methods they use to communicate  The number of deals they are assigned  Cost of doing business Let’s look at these differences closer! Location Outside sales reps are typically on the move! Remember,  these agents meet clients at their offices or industry events , traveling to each location to present their sales pitch.  These sales agents usually  don’t have one set location  unless they’re responsible for a specific sales territory!  In comparison,  inside sales reps operate from a set location , such as an office or home. Therefore, inside reps travel  much  less than outside agents! Communication Method Another difference between inside sales vs. outside ones is  how the agents communicate.  For example,  outside sales primarily involve face-to-face meetings , allowing in-person demonstrations and relationship building.  On the other hand,  inside sales relies on digital and telecommunication methods , including the following outlets: Emails Phone calls  Video conferences As you can see, there are some instances where inside sales teams may sell to a client without ever seeing their face! Whether agents meet with prospects in person or virtually,  it’s crucial to have excellent communication skills! When agents communicate clearly,  they show buyers why YOUR company’s products or services are better  than the competition!  The Volume of Deals Perhaps the  most significant distinguishing factor  between inside sales vs. outside is the number of deals each agent can handle. Typically, inside sales reps can manage  a larger volume of deals  due to their stationary environment. Think about it;  an inside sales representative doesn’t have to spend hours traveling  just to meet with one client, saving them a lot of time! In comparison, the travel requirements of outside sales result in  fewer, but often more extensive and complex, deals. Some outside sales team members may travel an hour to meet with a client.  Therefore,  the deals are usually larger to compensate for the time an agent spends traveling! Cost Lastly, it’s  crucial to consider cost  when comparing inside sales vs. outside sales.  For instance,  outside sales can be more expensive  due to travel and accommodation costs.  These sales representatives rack up the following costs while closing deals on the road:  Airfare  Gas/mileage  Hotel/lodging  Food  In contrast,  inside sales generally incur lower costs  as sales are conducted virtually, eliminating the need for travel!

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Pro Tip #1: Investing in CRM software is the best way to streamline numerous aspects of the inside AND outside sales strategies. 
- AJ Silber

How Does Outside Sales Work?

Outside sales typically  begin with identifying potential customers  interested in the company’s product or service.  Next, the sales representative reaches out to these potential clients, often by phone or email,  to arrange an in-person meeting.  The representative  presents a sales pitch , explaining the following things during the meeting:  The benefits of the product or service  The features of the product or service Ways the product or service will solve the client’s pain points Answers to any questions the client might have   If the customer shows interest, negotiations will commence  to finalize the terms of the deal! Finally, after all details are agreed upon,  the sales representative works on closing the sale , solidifying the newly formed client relationship.

What Does an Outside Sales Rep Do? 

An outside sales rep, first and foremost,  builds relationships  with potential clients! Meeting in person usually  allows outside sales reps to connect with potential clients deeper  than they could over the phone or via email.   On top of that, an outside sales team does the following things:  Identifies prospective customers Reach out to prospects via email, phone, etc.  Meet face-to-face to introduce clients to their company’s products or services. During these in-person meetings, outside sales teams  present a compelling sales pitch   and   answer customer queries.  Answering questions is crucial  because it shows the sales rep cares about the prospect and understands what they’re selling! After these discussions, if the customer is interested, the sales rep negotiates the terms of the deal.  Finally,  they close the sale and continue nurturing the client  relationship for potential future deals! Many people think the sales process is over after an agent closes the deal.  However,  post-sale nurturing is vital to the sales process  because it builds long-term relationships, repeat buyers, and customer loyalty!

What are the Benefits of Outside Sales? 

Outside sales come with several advantages.  However, the three primary benefits  include the following things:  A better closing ratio  Stronger customer relationships  More motivation in sales reps  Here’s what you need to know about each of these advantages! Better Closing Ratio.  Outside sales often lead to  a higher closing ratio  because it offers a more personalized approach.  As a result, this allows for  solid rapport building and effective handling of objections in real time.  Also, meeting clients face-to-face  humanizes the sales process  and  provides an opportunity to understand better  and address their concerns directly. Addressing concerns directly can  increase trust , making the prospects more likely to close the deal! Lastly,  a higher closing ratio is crucial  because it signifies more successful sales,  increasing revenue  and contributing  significantly  to  business growth. Better Customer Relationships  Outside sales promotes more face-to-face interactions,  leading to more meaningful and personal connections  than remote touchpoints.  This close,  personal interaction  allows the sales rep to do the following things:  Better understanding of the customer’s needs Provide tailored solutions Foster a strong, trusted relationship Such relationships benefit individual sales  and   become a foundation for long-term loyalty  and repeat business.  Further, better relationships give the clients a  sense of importance and value , leading to  higher satisfaction and a stronger bond  with the company! Increased Sales Rep Motivation  Lastly, an advantage of outside sales strategies is that  it can boost sales rep motivation.  Unlike their inside sales counterparts,  outside sales reps can escape the confines of an office , meet exciting people, and explore new places. As you can imagine, these things can be  exhilarating  and  highly motivating.  Also, face-to-face interaction generates  immediate feedback,  allowing sales reps to adjust their strategies on the spot,  giving them a sense of control and influence over the outcome.  Further, the direct correlation between their  effort  and  reward  becomes evident in outside sales. As a result,  this fuels motivation and drives agents  to strive for larger, more challenging deals! 

The Outside Sales Process

Now that you understand the advantages of having an outside sales team,  it’s time to learn about the outside sales process!  Usually, an outside sales team does the following things:  Lead prospecting  Lead qualification  Connecting with leads  Demonstrations  Follow-ups  Closing the deal  Here’s what you need to know about each of these steps!  Lead Prospecting   Lead prospecting is the process of  finding  and  identifying   potential customers,  known as “leads,” for your business.  Prospecting involves  thorough research  to identify individuals or businesses that might benefit from your products or services.  What’s the point of prospecting?  The aim is to create a database of prospects your sales team can convert into paying customers  through your team’s sales efforts! Lead Qualification  Lead qualification is a crucial step in the inside  and  outside sales process, where  potential customers are evaluated based on their likelihood to purchase your products or services.  Qualifying leads involves analyzing the following details about an individual or business: Their needs Theirs interests Their financial ability to buy your products or services  Their pain points your products or services can solve  Essentially,  the goal of lead qualification is to determine if individuals are a good fit for what your business offers.  Having qualified leads  helps to focus the sales team’s efforts  on prospects most likely to convert, optimizing time and resources! Lead Connect Connecting with leads involves  establishing the initial contact with potential clients , using the information your team gathered during lead qualification! This step could be any of the following methods:   Phone call An email A face-to-face meeting The  primary goal of connecting with leads  is to do the following things:   Introduce the business Gauge a client’s interest  Lay the groundwork for further discussions Lead Demonstration  A product or service demonstration is a critical step where  a sales rep showcases the features and benefits of their offering  directly to the potential client.  This  hands-on display  allows the prospect to understand how the product or service works and  how it can solve their specific needs or pain points.  Usually, product and service demonstrations are  more effective in person  rather than over a video conference.  Through practical demonstrations,  sales reps can address any doubts or questions , increasing the likelihood of closing the deal! Lead Follow Up Follow-ups are crucial touchpoints where sales teams  reconnect with potential clients after the initial interaction  or demonstration.  Follow-ups are critical  because they keep your company and its products or services at the top of a client’s mind.  As a result, the client is  continuously reminded of the products or services benefits , resolving any lingering queries or doubts.  Also, by  maintaining consistent communication and showing responsiveness , follow-ups can result in the following things:  An increase in the likelihood of closing a deal closure  Foster long-term customer relationships More customer retention and loyalty  Lead Deal Close  The final stage of the process for outside sales professionals is everyone’s favorite:  closing the deal!  Closing a deal means  your team successfully converts a potential client into a paying one!  Remember, after outside sales reps close a deal, it’s VITAL to  nurture customer relationships  by using the following tactics:  Exclusive deals on future products or services Thank you messages  Sending customer surveys 

Outside Sales Tips 

After learning about outside sales and  how beneficial they can be,  you’re probably looking to implement it into your own business!  Fortunately, I’ve compiled  several tips for outside sales teams,  including the following things:  Invest in CRM software  Ensure your marketing and sales teams are aligned  Adopt flexible business practices  Give the Crumpled Letter Approach a try Have excellent interpersonal skills (or hire people who do!)  Utilize the power of storytelling.  Let’s look at these tips in closer detail!  Get a Good CRM  Investing in a good customer relationship management ( CRM ) system can  revolutionize your outside sales approach! For example,  a robust CRM system offers a centralized platform  where you can do the following things:  Track and analyze customer interactions. Help to maintain consistent and personalized communication throughout the sales journey. Streamline business processes  Track each sales rep’s achievements  Further, CRM software provides  valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences.  As a result,  sales reps can target prospects more effectively  and close deals faster!  Align Marketing & Sales  Aligning your marketing and sales teams is crucial  for achieving seamless business operations and enhancing customer experiences.  By creating a  unified front , both teams can do the following things:  Share valuable customer insights Streamline sales tasks  Boost conversions Also, this connection leads to the following things:  Fosters better communication Reduces redundancy Ensures that all efforts are targeted towards a shared business goal Simply put, aligning marketing and sales departments  increases revenue  and  enhances customer satisfaction. Adopt Flexible Approaches  Embracing flexible sales strategies is  crucial in the ever-changing business environment! When you think outside the box, it  allows your sales team to tailor their approach to individual customer needs  and respond to market variations promptly.  As a result, your team can  enhance customer satisfaction  and  increase sales.  Further,  a flexible approach  does the following things for a business:  Encourages innovation  Promotes continuous learning within the team Fosters resilience   Ensures your business stays competitive, no matter the circumstances Try the Crumpled Letter Approach  The Crumpled Letter Approach is a  unique  and  creative sales technique  often employed by outside sales reps.  This strategy involves sending a crumpled letter (literally) to potential clients,  capturing their curiosity , and  immediately differentiating you  from the standard sales pitches they receive! This unconventional method  aims to pique the recipient’s interest,  prompting them to read your message.  In an ideal scenario,  the Crumpled Letter Approach instigates further conversation about your product or service!  Be Magnetic in Person Being a magnetic sales representative can  significantly increase the success of your outside sales efforts.  With an  engaging   personality  and  charismatic communication style , you’re more likely to build rapport with potential clients. As a result,  prospects are more receptive to your sales pitch.  On top of that,  your magnetic presence can enhance your reputation , leading to more referrals and a wider network of prospects!  Use Storytelling  Storytelling is an exceptional sales tactic because  it allows you to connect with your prospects on a deeper, more emotional level . Connecting with your clients makes your pitch more  memorable  and  engaging .  Also, by unfolding a compelling narrative around your product or service,  you help the potential client envision how it fits into and improves their own story,  increasing its perceived value.  This  emotionally resonant approach  to sales often leads to the following things:   Higher conversion rates (because it differentiates you from competitors) Creates a stronger bond with the prospect  It makes your products or services more appealing

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Pro Tip #2: Sending handwritten thank yous to existing customers is an excellent way to foster long-term relationships and encourage repeat purchases. 
- AJ Silber

Outside Sales Rep Necessary Skills

What skills do outside sales reps need in order to be successful?  Below, I’ve compiled the  most valuable skills  your outside sales team should have!  Great Listening Skills Excellent listening skills are crucial for outside sales reps because they enable them to  understand their prospects’ needs and pain points accurately.  Also, by listening attentively,  sales representatives can tailor their sales pitches to address those specific issues , increasing the chances of closing a deal.  Lastly, listening fosters  trust  and  rapport .  When prospects trust sales teams,  they’re more likely to engage in further conversation  and make a purchase!  Time Management  Time management skills are another essential for outside sales representatives! Time management  directly impacts productivity and efficiency  in meeting sales targets.  Further,  effective time management  allows sales teams to do the following things:  Prioritize tasks Plan customer interactions Swiftly address potential leads Optimize the sales process   Increase the chances of closing deals Time management is crucial for inside AND outside sales teams! Multitasking  Proficiency in multitasking is a vital skill for outside sales representatives, as it  allows them to manage multiple clients, projects, and tasks without compromising efficiency  or  effectiveness.  By juggling various responsibilities simultaneously, your sales team  enhances productivity  and  demonstrates adaptability  and  resourcefulness .  Sales leaders must be some of the best employees regarding multitasking  because they juggle several responsibilities! Great Storytelling  Great storytelling forms a  deep emotional connection  with current AND prospective customers,  making your pitch more memorable and engaging.  By  crafting a compelling narrative  around your product or service, you’re helping the potential client envision its usefulness and value in their own lives.  When outside field sales reps paint this picture, it  increases the likelihood of closing deals!  Relationship Building  Building strong customer relationships is integral  in inside and outside sales because it leads to the following things:  Fosters trust  Creates better customer loyalty  Enhances customer retention  Facilitates repeat sales On top of that, strong customer relationships open avenues for  positive word-of-mouth and referrals.  As a result, word-of-mouth marketing  widens your potential customer base  and  increases the likelihood of closing more deals  in the future! Presentation Skills  Presentation skills must be part of outside sales training.  Excellent presentation skills are vital because they  directly influence a potential client’s impression  and  understanding  of the product or service your sales team is selling.  Therefore, by delivering a  clear, engaging, and persuasive presentation , each sales representative does the following things: Demonstrates the value of their offering   Builds credibility with the client Increases the chances of closing a sale Great Product Knowledge  Possessing in-depth product knowledge is essential for inside and outside sales teams.  When sales leaders and reps  understand what the business sells in great detail , it does the following things:   Equips inside and outside sales agents with the ability to articulate the benefits of products convincingly Helps agents explain the features of each product   Ensures the sales pitch is tailored to the specific needs or pain points of the prospect Further, showing mastery over product details  boosts the credibility of field sales reps  and fosters trust in the relationship! 

Outside Sales Example 

Consider a  pharmaceutical sales rep who visits various healthcare providers.  The rep does the following things: Showcases their company’s latest pharmaceutical products Explains how these medications work Details the benefits  Why the medicines could be a superior choice for patients By  engaging directly with healthcare professionals , the rep is practicing outside sales, aiming to influence the physicians’ decision-making regarding the prescription of their company’s drugs!

Is Outside Sales Easy? 

Contrary to misconceptions,  outside sales are not necessarily easy! Being an outside sales representative  requires a diverse skill set,  including the following traits:  Excellent communication Multitasking Relationship-building  Presentation abilities Deep product knowledge The ability to talk to and get along with anyone  However, it is possible to excel in outside sales with the  right sales training, mentorship, and sheer determination!  Also,  certain aspects of being an outside sales representative are more challenging  than being an inside sales rep. 

Does Outside Sales Pay Well?

The  average outside sales salary in the United States is $82,000.  However, top earners can make  over $100,000  annually!  Of course, several things impact an agent’s average earnings, including the following details:  Location : some states naturally have higher wages  Company : depending on what the company sells, agents can earn more per sale.  Experience : agents with more experience in the sales territory often have a higher base pay  Number of deals : wages vary based on how many deals sales leaders assign Regardless of the previously listed factors,  outside sales agents can earn a decent amount of money , even in their first year!

Is Prospecting Outside Sales?

Yes,  prospecting is a crucial component of outside sales.  However, prospecting potential buyers isn’t the  only  component of outside sales.  Still, prospecting involves  identifying and reaching out to potential customers  (also known as leads) who may be interested in the products or services you offer.  Effective prospecting is the cornerstone of building a robust sales pipeline  for outside sales.  Further, this process can include the following actions:  Networking at industry events Generating referrals Utilizing online databases Social media scouting  Cold-calling   Emailing Regardless of the technique,  the goal of prospecting in outside sales  is not just to make immediate sales but to  initiate conversations,   build relationships, and lay the groundwork for future sales opportunities! Therefore,  mastering the art of prospecting is essential  for anyone involved in outside sales.

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