CRM Activities & Tasks for SMB Owners

Does your company have a customer relationship management (CRM) platform but  no idea how to use it for company or project tasks?  If so, you’re in the right place! Many small businesses understand the fact that CRM systems are beneficial  but don’t know how to make them work for their team.  Hi, my name is AJ! I recently sold my business for  multiple seven figures  to help growing entrepreneurs like YOU!  I won’t sugar-coat it; building a successful business took a lot of work! But  one thing that helped my marketing and sales teams was CRM software!  Are you  interested in learning the various tasks CRM can help your business complete?  Then keep reading!

Key Takeaways

The primary purpose of CRM systems is to build customer relationships by collecting data. 

CRM can automate various aspects of task management, making teams more efficient. 

Some benefits of CRM include better efficiency, data organization, and higher sales revenue. 

Organizing customer information leads to higher satisfaction rates and lower churn. 

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What are CRM Activities? 

Customer relationship management (CRM) activities refer to the  tasks and actions carried out with the help of a CRM system.   The goal of any CRM tool is to  manage  and  improve  business relationships.  Some examples of CRM activities include the following tasks:  Tracking customer data Managing sales pipelines Task management (automating recurring tasks, sending reminders for outstanding tasks, etc.)  Project management  Generating reports  Marketing automation efforts The ultimate goal of a CRM platform is to  enhance the customer experience , streamline the sales process, and increase profitability.  In essence,  CRM activities serve as a roadmap  to help businesses understand their customer’s journey and improve customer relationships! 

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Pro Tip #1: Create a CRM implementation plan before investing and implementing the software into your company; implementation plans help companies stay within time and budget constraints. 
- AJ Silber

Common CRM Tasks & Activities 

Below, I’ve listed the  most popular CRM tasks and activities  to ensure you understand how beneficial this software can be!  Will your company need every single one of the features I mention? Probably not.  Still, knowing how CRM improves various aspects of a company is critical! Maintain and Organize Customer Information One task CRM helps companies with is  organizing customer lifecycle information.  CRM software  maintains  and  organizes  customer information by storing all interactions, purchases, and preferences in a singular database.  Also,  these systems categorize this data systematically for easy retrieval , enabling businesses to do the following things:   Personalize interactions   Predict future consumer behavior efficiently Organized data helps every department , from sales to customer support!  Monitor and Follow Up on Business Deals Following up is a crucial piece of every task management agenda.  Fortunately,  CRM tools facilitate monitoring and follow-up  on business deals by doing the following things:  Providing real-time updates on deal progression Sending an email reminder to reps for a follow-up Organizing and displaying communication history Staying on top of business deals helps teams stay focused , ensuring no opportunity slips through the cracks!  Engage in Direct Communication with Potential and Existing Clients Regular communication  is one task small businesses can’t afford to skip! CRM systems enable teams to communicate effectively  with potential  and  existing clients by hosting integrated communication tools for:  Emails Calls  Messages Further, these systems offer  personalized communication  based on client history and preferences and track these interactions. As a result, future communications are  more efficient and targeted. Lastly,  most CRM tools provide automated communication tools  as prospects move through the sales cycle.  For instance, if a lead clicks on a website link, CRMs can send automated emails later to entice the individual to purchase something.  Handle and Reply to Customer Issues CRM platforms  expedite handling and responding to customer issues  by centralizing customer data and history. When the company account record is organized, it ensures  quick access to contextual information.  Also, with integrated support channels and automated responses, businesses can  swiftly address issues , improving consumer satisfaction and loyalty! Handling customer complaints and issues as soon as possible is critical for the following reasons: It ensures customers can trust your business It helps your company look more credible It improves word-of-mouth recommendations It encourages customers to buy your products or services again So, while dealing with customer complaints may not be your favorite thing in the world, it’s critical for long-term success! Utilize Customized Structures Customized CRM structures allow a company to  tailor its platform to specific needs and workflows , increasing efficiency.  These tailored structures lead to the following things:  Enhanced data organization Streamlined customer interactions  Optimized task automation CRM customization  improves client satisfaction and boosts sales performance. Also,  a customized interface can help employees learn how to use CRM technology  because it is tailored to their daily tasks!  Automate repetitive tasks Repetitive tasks are usually the  most frustrating  pieces of task management. However, automating repetitive tasks with CRM software does the following things:  Significantly enhances efficiency Reduces human error  Frees up team members to focus on more strategic, revenue-generating tasks Also, task automation  improves consistency in customer interactions and accelerates processes , leading to better customer satisfaction and increased profitability! Construct Attractive Landing Pages CRM platforms create  attractive landing pages  by offering intuitive tools and templates that teams can  customize to fit the company’s brand and objectives.  Also, many systems include the following landing page capabilities:  Track visitor data for analysis Continuous optimization  Ways to improve customer engagement  Tactics to boost conversion rates Develop an Informative Knowledge Base CRM systems aid in developing an  informative knowledge base  by collating and organizing data from various sources.  This centralized warehouse grants companies  instant access to customer interactions, preferences, and history.  As a result of all this data,  users can make informed decisions and personalize customer engagement , enhancing the overall experience for customers. Incorporate Other Software Tools Incorporating other software tools into a CRM system  amplifies its effectiveness  by providing a more  comprehensive platform  for managing customer relationships.  Further, these integrations enable businesses to leverage seamless integrations with tools such as:  Email marketing platforms Social media management tools  Project management systems Task management tools  Also, incorporating several tools into a CRM tool results in a  centralized hub for all customer interactions.  As a result,  teams can foster better data management and improve customer experiences  through automated workflows and targeted marketing strategies!  Report, Predict, and Scrutinize Data CRMs provide powerful reporting features. These  reporting features allow businesses to generate real-time reports  on the following things:  Sales Customer engagement  Marketing effectiveness. Team productivity  Also, CRMs offer  predictive analytics , forecasting future sales and customer behavior based on historical data.  Lastly, many CRM systems facilitate data analysis,  offering insights that drive strategic decision-making and improve buyer relationships! 

Example of Daily CRM Tasks 

An example of daily CRM tasks for  a retail store that sells camping gear  might look something like this: In the morning, the store manager logs into the CRM system to  check the sales pipeline .  During this time,  the manager sees several leads identified from the store’s online inquiry   form  and assigns these to the appropriate sales team members for follow-up.  Next, the manager reviews communications with existing customers.  The  CRM system has automatically logged all customer interactions , including the following:  Emails Phone calls  Social media messages Spotting a negative review posted on a social media platform last night, the  manager quickly addressed the issue by contacting the customer and offering a resolution.  Contacting the customer immediately  boosts customer satisfaction! Throughout the day, the CRM software  triggers automated email campaigns  based on customer behaviors.  For instance, customers who purchased tents in the last six months receive an email about a new range of sleeping bags.  In the afternoon, the manager uses the CRM to  analyze data and generate a report on sales figures  for the past week, identifying top-selling items and any patterns in purchasing behavior.  Before closing, the manager schedules a reminder for a team meeting to discuss the CRM data insights.  Customer data will inform the team’s strategy for the coming week , including:  Potential sales promotions   Customer engagement efforts In sum,  daily CRM activities contribute to facilitating smooth business operations , informed decision-making, and enhanced customer relationships! 

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Pro Tip #2: There are several FREE CRM platforms that are perfect for small businesses getting started with the technology! 
- AJ Silber

Final Thoughts on CRM Activities 

As you can see,  CRM software is extremely beneficial!  With CRM technology, a business can  save time, close deals efficiently, and ensure each team member is on the same page.  Other tools may have one or two CRM features. However,  the all-around benefit of CRM technology makes it a must-have!  What tasks will you utilize CRM technology for? Let us know in the comments section below! 

The post CRM Activities & Tasks for SMB Owners appeared first on Small Business Bonfire .

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