6 Business tips for 2024

Photo by Sam Dan Truong

Here are a few business ideas you might find useful.

Pick the right people. Don’t make long-term plans, with short-term people.

Finish before you start. You don’t build a house until the plans are finished. If the bricklayer is working, and someone asks them what they’re building, the bricklayer never says ‘ I’ve no idea ‘. If you want a fantastic year, plan a fantastic year, first.

Embrace the challenges. You can’t climb a smooth mountain. You need places where you can plant your feet, and grab with your hands. No struggle = no success.

Walk with the wise. When we associate with wise people, their ways, their ideas and their habits influence us. The same is true when we walk with fools.

Feed what you need . When you starve a flower, or a business, of the resources it needs in order to grow, it withers.

Never get complacent. Failure isn’t final. It can be reversed. Winning isn’t final either. It too can be reversed. Stay focused.

6 Business tips for 2024 was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog

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