Why Domo Everywhere—7 Reasons

Ever wondered how a construction software company like Bespoke Metrics stays ahead in the game? Enter their secret weapon: Domo Everywhere. It’s a powerful tool that helps Bespoke Metrics create white-labeled dashboards for their clients, without the technical headaches. Here, we’re sharing our insights with Derrick Decloe, chief innovation officer and head of analytics.  

What is Bespoke Metrics, and what is Domo Everywhere? 

Bespoke Metrics is the software company behind the COMPASS prequalification platform that supports data collection, verification and analytics across the entire construction supply chain. Derrick Decloe and his team partner with large general contractors on deciding which subcontractors and tradespeople to hire.   

Domo Everywhere is our embedded analytics platform. It’s a white-label product that allows our customers to provide standardized and unique analytics services, creating value-added services leading to additional revenue opportunities. The final product looks like it’s been produced by the company, but Domo handles all the backend data work. 

1. Rapid dashboard deployment: Less than a month  

Some tools need months to take root, but not Domo. Bespoke Metrics started with a standard dashboard suite to offer clients—and they were ready to increase their offering to clients in just a few weeks. 

Derrick Decloe emphasizes, “It was less than a month from the time we decided we were going to pick Domo as our tool to the time we were up and running with all the standard dashboards that we wanted.” 

2. Out-of-the-box dashboards, with limitless customization  

Domo Everywhere is a revenue generator , and every product team monetizes it differently.  The Bespoke Metrics Analytics team will brainstorm with the client to discover valuable ways to utilize, customize, and visualize the data to enhance their experience. 

“It’s no longer [saying] our product doesn’t offer that, or you have to do a workaround,” says Decloe. “We’re actually taking the opposite approach, which is we want to customize everything.” 

3. Four unexpected benefits of Domo Everywhere  

Bespoke Metrics came to Domo with an idea of what they initially wanted: the standard dashboard suite. “What we didn’t expect was how much customization we could have, and then how much our clients were going to come to rely on us.” These are four unexpected ways Domo Everywhere expanded Bespoke Metrics’ offering: 

Build custom apps to replace manual exercises—and eliminate the use of Google Sheets.  Create self-serve widgets for clients to explore their own metrics.  Empower non-technical users to build professional-looking dashboards on their own.  Unique tools to differentiate ourselves from the competition.  

4. Five days or less for improving customer experience  

Adjusting any product roadmap and company priorities is not an easy task. That’s what makes Domo Everywhere continuously valuable, because many features can be added to improve the customer experience or address a particular client issue without taking away valuable engineering resources or disrupting the existing roadmap.  

5. Eight hours for a new employee to get value from Domo  

That’s how long it took a new Bespoke Metrics employee to build a client-ready dashboard. In contrast to other tools that require days or weeks to learn, Domo enabled a junior analyst at Bespoke Metrics to create a client-ready dashboard within eight hours, without extensive tutorials or training documentation. 

6. Outshining eleven competitors  

At first, Bespoke Metrics felt wary of trusting a third party such as Domo with a critical piece of their business. But today, Bespoke Metrics is committed to Domo as it allows them to enhance their product offering to increase customer satisfaction.  

Bespoke Metrics evaluated Domo alongside eleven other BI tools using these three questions: 

Stability: How long has the third party been in business? Are they publicly traded? Who else uses them?  Simplicity: Can we start using this tool on day one? Who is the tool built for, and who would need extra training and support?  Growth-oriented: Can this tool grow with us as we develop our offerings and build our business? 

7. 15-minute dashboard refresh intervals  

Bespoke Metrics’ client dashboards refresh every 15 minutes, providing clients with up-to-date information. Decloe notes, “We build it, we test it, we make sure it works properly, but then the client has it going forward.” 

Domo Everywhere can help you better your business. See how.

Domo Everywhere can be the time-saver and revenue-generator your business needs—and we want you to experience the magic for yourself. To learn more about how the tool works, check out our latest article, 3 Ways Domo Everywhere Can Generate Revenue, Cut Costs, and Better Your Business . The post Why Domo Everywhere—7 Reasons first appeared on Blog .