CX Software: What It Is, Top Features, Examples, and Pricing

Picture this: There are two coffee shops in your town, and they are right next to each other. The competition doesn’t get more fierce than that! Both shops use the same coffee beans with similar drink options on the menu.

What’s going to make customers choose one over the other? From their interactions with the friendly barista to the comfortable armchairs, the overall experience is going to be the deciding factor.

Whether people decide to buy or invest elsewhere largely depends on the experience they have with your company. This is especially true in economic downturns.

When budgets are tight, people become more selective about where they spend their money. And a positive experience can be what keeps them from choosing your competitor over you.

The right customer experience (CX) software can help alleviate your staff’s pain points, lighten their workload, and automate routine tasks.

Here, we’ll cover the basics of CX software, its benefits, and its top features. We’ve also prepared a list of the top four CX tools on the market.

What Is CX Software?

CX software is a suite of tools designed to manage, analyze, and improve all aspects of a customer’s interaction with a company.

It includes tools for tracking, overseeing, and organizing every customer touchpoint from start to finish.

For example, imagine a large retail chain implementing CX software to improve customer interactions.

The software tracks customer purchases, online browsing behavior, and feedback from various channels, such as social media and customer service calls.

The marketing and customer service teams then analyze this data to find out what customers are looking for and how to better provide what they need.

Let’s say the team notices that customers frequently look for additional product information before purchasing.

With this observation, they can find a solution to make this additional information easier to access (such as implementing an AI-powered chatbot on their site to offer instant, detailed product information, and personalized recommendations.)

Benefits of Using CX Software

CX software improves customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention by delivering personalized experiences.

It also lets you easily gather comprehensive customer data and analytics so you can make your operations more efficient and reduce costs.

Let’s look in more detail at how CX tools can benefit your organization:

1. Assemble the building blocks of customer loyalty

CX platforms let you monitor and analyze customer interactions in real time. This way, you can proactively manage customer feedback , inquiries, and complaints before they escalate to bigger problems.

Let’s say you’re flying to an important business meeting, but your flight is unexpectedly delayed. Incidents happen. But if your airline is utilizing CX software properly, you will quickly be notified of the situation.

After analyzing your flight details and the impact of the delay, the software prompts the airline to proactively reach out to you to find a solution. This could be rebooking you on the next flight free of charge or providing access to its lounge while you wait.

Because of the CX tool, the airline can immediately address your problems and leave a lasting impression of its commitment to customer care (and at scale too — everyone on the flight receives support simultaneously.

Then, the next time you need to catch a flight, you might consider that airline over another airline because of the great customer service you received.

2. Enable your team to make data-driven decisions

CX software turns customer data into clear insights. It helps your business identify trends, understand customer issues, and improve processes wherever possible.

For example, a telecommunications company notices a rise in customer complaints about service quality. Using CX software, it can find out where these issues are most prevalent.

With this insight, the company upgrades its network in those areas and trains its customer service teams to handle those specific issues more effectively.

The results: happier customers and fewer complaints across the board.

3. Improve customer retention rates

With CX tools, you can better understand customer expectations, allowing you to effectively meet and even exceed them. This boosts retention rates and customer lifetime value—the total profit expected from a customer over time—because happy customers are more likely to stick around.

They will even consider investing in more of your products or services. This means there are more upsell and cross-sell opportunities for your customer success and sales teams.

For example, a client who’s happy with your cloud storage services may be more receptive to purchasing a collaborative workspace add-on, expanding their suite of tools.

So, not only can you maintain a steady customer base, but you’ll also boost your long-term revenue.

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4. Streamline customer workflows

By automating routine customer service tasks, CX platforms reduce operating costs and free up staff to concentrate on more strategic, impactful work.

For example, responding to common customer queries, such as order statuses and return policies, can take a lot of time and energy from your employees.

With CX tools, you can automate these responses, allowing your team members to focus on resolving more complex issues.

Via Tidio

5. Gain a competitive edge

According to an Adobe report, 90% of senior executives agree that customer expectations are constantly adapting and rising based on their best experience across various channels.

In other words, when customers get outstanding service on one platform or in one interaction, they start expecting that level of service everywhere.

Features and offerings that once impressed customers will gradually become standard expectations.

So, in markets with similar products and prices, businesses with customer-centric cultures will stand out above the rest. And CX tools are the key to making each feel special and understood by your brand.

6. Create better feedback loops

Finding out what your customers think and feel about your offering can be challenging. And traditional ways of collecting customer feedback , such as in-person interviews and in-depth surveys, take too much time and effort.

The best CX platforms, on the other hand, automate and streamline this process so that you can collect feedback from more people and get better results faster.

One way they do this is through user-friendly feedback widgets on websites and apps.

Via Appcues

For example, if you find out that your customers think your new feature is hard to use, you can provide detailed walk-throughs to guide them and simplify the interface for easier navigation.

This information lets you consistently improve your products, services, marketing assets, sales battle cards, and overall customer experience .

7. Scale and adapt to change

As your business grows, your CX tools can scale with you. They’re adaptable to changing needs, ensuring customer experience remains a priority regardless of company size, market downturns, and other unpredictable factors.

For example, a startup with a small customer base might begin with basic CX software functionality. As the startup grows into a medium-sized business, it can upgrade its CX system to handle increased customer traffic and more complex inquiries.

And if it ever needs to scale down, all it has to do is adjust the software’s settings or the subscription level.

How Can Different Teams Leverage Insights From CX Software?

Here’s how customer experience management software solutions help different teams optimize their overall performance:

Team Benefits Impact Customer success Identify customer challenges, preferences, and satisfaction levels Support customers more effectively Reduced churn Increased loyalty Greater upsell and cross-sell opportunities Faster issue resolution Increased earnings from customers over time Marketing Better understand customer engagement levels, preferences, and behaviors Launch targeted marketing campaigns and personalized content for ideal customers Higher engagement rates Increased conversion rates Improved customer retention and loyalty Better tracking and measurement of marketing ROI Sales Provide more targeted pitches and offers Improve understanding of customer pain points Increase efficiency in identifying and targeting high-value sales opportunities Reduced time and effort in securing sales Higher success rates in closing deals More effective achievement of sales targets Increased revenue Improved trust and customer relationships Product development Prioritize features and improvements that align with customer needs More efficient use of time and resources Stronger product–market fit Increased customer satisfaction Reduced time to market