We’re closing our office for one week over winter break – and here’s why you should, too

Twice a year,  WorkTango  closes our offices  so our employees can enjoy a company-wide vacation. This winter, WorkTango will be closed from December 26 through December 30, 2022. 
While unlimited vacation is a valuable benefit to offer employees, it’s not perfect. Numerous studies  show that unlimited paid time off policies often result in employees taking less vacation days than if their organization offered a traditional banked or accrued vacation policy. Here at WorkTango, our additional office-wide Summer and Winter Closures maximize employee productivity, happiness, and help cultivate customer success. 
3 reasons why companies should consider implementing a company-wide vacation
1. For employee mental health.  
As work continues to become decentralized, many employees are finding it hard to create work-life harmony. Offering company-wide breaks allows for employees to nurture their work-life balance, thus supporting their overall wellbeing. 
2. So employees can take a break, guilt-free.
Even with our unlimited vacation policy, we know some employees are still reluctant to take vacation days for a variety of reasons. To encourage a happy, well-rested, and recharged workforce, we’re closing our doors and logging out. 
3. Because Customers Benefit
There is a direct link between employee experience and customer satisfaction . Having engaged, well-rested and happy employees leads directly to happier and more loyal customers. We care about our employees just as much as we care about our customers, and we believe that by investing in our employee’s wellbeing, we’re supporting their ability to provide the absolute best experience. 
If you receive an out-of-office notification from a WorkTango team member between December 26 and December 30, just know that we’re recharging on our end in order to be able to better serve you upon our return. With all this being said, I also know that we have customer commitments that we need to meet. 

While the intent is for every single employee to be able to take time off together, the reality of business means we will still need to have team members available from December 26 to December 30. 
We will have folks on our engineering teams who will be available, along with customer success, sales and support team members, who will all receive time off during a different week.

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