The 10 best OKR tools of 2023

OKRs, which stands for Objectives and Key Results, is a management framework that organizations can utilize to set and accomplish their goals. This framework enables businesses to establish measurable objectives and track their progress in achieving them. To implement an OKR strategy effectively, organizations require suitable OKR tools . This article will evaluate the top 10 OKR tools for 2023, aiding you in selecting the most appropriate tool for your organization.

10 best OKR tools of 2023

Here is the list of the top 10 best OKR tools of 2023:

Perdoo: Perdoo is an adaptable OKR tool that facilitates goal setting, management, and tracking at a larger scale for organizations. Perdoo’s capabilities include automated goal tracking, custom reporting, and integration with commonly used business software. One of Perdoo’s distinctive features is its automated goal tracking, which eradicates the need for manual updates and maintains up-to-date progress toward achieving goals. Furthermore, Perdoo’s reporting module permits teams to generate personalized reports and dashboards to monitor performance and pinpoint areas that require improvement.

Ally: Ally is a user-friendly OKR tool that supports organizations in establishing, tracking, and accomplishing their goals, emphasizing alignment, accountability, and transparency. With Ally, organizations can foster a culture of goal-setting and continuous improvement, resulting in improved productivity and outcomes. Ally enables teams to establish individual, team, and organizational goals that align with the company’s overarching objectives. The platform offers real-time visibility into the progress made towards accomplishing these goals, enabling teams to remain aligned and focused on their objectives. Ally also integrates well with popular business software, such as Salesforce and Slack, to facilitate seamless collaboration across teams and departments.

UpRaise: Upraise is an effective OKR tool that facilitates goal-setting, progress tracking, and accomplishment for organizations. The OKR framework, which stands for Objectives and Key Results, is a widely used methodology that helps businesses define and measure their objectives. Upraise offers a user-friendly platform that encourages teamwork, monitoring, and performance analysis toward goals. Using Upraise, companies can establish and share their goals with teams, assign roles, and monitor progress in real-time. The platform allows businesses to set SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, helping teams to concentrate on essential tasks and prioritize their activities.

Workboard: Workboard is a cloud-based tool designed for OKR that offers a complete solution for setting and monitoring goals, task management, and team collaboration. Workboard provides a user-friendly interface, and it integrates well with commonly used business software, making it an optimal option for teams seeking to adopt the OKR framework. With Workboard, teams can establish both individual and group objectives that align with the organization’s overarching goals. Users of Workboard can personalize dashboards to show real-time metrics and progress towards meeting targets. Additionally, Workboard provides several integrations with popular business software, including Salesforce, Slack, and Microsoft Teams.

Gtmhub: Gtmhub is a performance management and OKR tool that aids organizations in coordinating their efforts and achieving their goals. Organizations may track their progress and make data-informed decisions with the help of the application, which makes use of real-time analytics and insights. Organizations can define goals at the individual, team, and organizational levels with the help of Gtmhub. The Gtmhub platform helps teams stay connected and committed to their goals by displaying the progress being made in real time. Moreover, Gtmhub provides interfaces with well-known corporate applications like Salesforce, Jira, and Slack.

Koan: Koan is an agile OKR tool that facilitates real-time collaboration, goal setting, and progress tracking for teams. Koan stands out with its weekly check-ins, customizable dashboards, and integration with commonly used project management tools. With Koan, teams can establish and track individual and team goals that align with the organization’s overarching objectives. The platform provides real-time visibility into the progress made towards achieving these goals, keeping teams aligned and focused. Koan also offers integrations with well-known project management tools, including Trello and Asana.

Atiim: ATTIM offers a platform for businesses to adopt the OKR framework, providing a centralized location for teams to set and track their objectives and key results. This tool offers several features to aid businesses in managing their OKR process. With ATTIM, automated reports on progress towards OKRs are generated, enabling businesses to monitor their performance over time and make informed decisions about their goals and strategies. Additionally, ATTIM provides various data visualization tools, such as charts and graphs, to assist businesses in comprehending their advancement toward accomplishing their OKRs.

Workpath: Workpath is an OKR tool designed to help organizations set, track, and achieve their goals. The platform offers a wide range of features that prioritize alignment, accountability, and performance, empowering businesses to develop a continuous improvement culture that produces better results and more motivated staff. Teams can create individual, team, and organization-wide goals using Workpath that are in line with the main goals of the company. The tool enables team alignment and focuses by providing real-time visibility into progress made toward goals. Moreover, Workpath interfaces with well-known business applications like Salesforce and Slack, facilitating seamless teamwork across divisions.

Weekdone: Weekdone is an OKR tool that prioritizes transparency, collaboration, and productivity, supporting organizations in setting, tracking, and achieving their goals. The user-friendly platform offered by Weekdone fosters a culture of accountability and continuous improvement, leading to better outcomes and a more engaged workforce. Weekdone allows teams to establish individual, team, and organization-wide goals that align with the organization’s overarching objectives. The platform offers real-time visibility into the progress toward accomplishing these goals, enabling teams to remain aligned and focused. Weekdone also integrates seamlessly with popular business software, such as Trello and Asana, facilitating collaboration across teams and departments.

Profit. co: is a tool for setting, tracking, and achieving business goals using the OKR framework. It offers a user-friendly interface that enables users to easily create, collaborate and monitor objectives. provides a comprehensive solution with features such as OKR tracking, performance management, employee engagement, and analytics. It stands out with its ability to customize the OKR framework to meet the specific needs of an organization. The platform allows users to tailor their objectives to fit their business requirements and track progress using multiple metrics. To ensure that goals are achievable and realistic, guides users on how to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) objectives.


In conclusion, there are many OKR tools available in the market, but finding the right one for your organization can be challenging. The 10 best OKR tools of 2023 that we have reviewed in this blog post can help organizations of all sizes set, manage, and track their goals effectively. Ultimately, the choice of the OKR tool depends on the specific needs and goals of your organization.
The post The 10 best OKR tools of 2023 appeared first on The Qandle Blog .