2024 Marketing Trends for Fractional CMOs: A Guide

2024 Marketing Trends for Fractional CMOs: A Guide written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing
I’ve put together my thoughts on what 2024 holds for marketing strategists and fractional CMOs. But let me be upfront: I approach the concept of “trends” with a healthy dose of skepticism. Why? Because often, by the time something is labeled a trend, it’s either already happening or it’s just a shot in the dark.
Today, I want to cut through that noise and talk about real shifts that matter, especially for you fractional CMOs out there.
I’ve been in the marketing trenches for over two decades and I’ve learned to distinguish the fads from the game-changers. Over the years, I’ve learned to cut through the hype and zero in on what really drives a company’s success. For those stepping into the role of a fractional CMO, grasping this viewpoint is essential; it’s all about capturing the essence and connecting with audiences just as vividly as a well-pictured story does. You’re juggling a ton of different hurdles in all sorts of fields, and what you really need are strategies that don’t just make sense but actually work.
2024 Marketing Trends for Fractional CMOs: A Guide
As a fractional CMO, you’re in a unique position to help businesses navigate the ever-changing marketing landscape. But with so many trends to keep track of, it can be tough to know where to focus your attention.
In this guide, we’ll break down the five most important marketing trends for fractional CMOs in 2024. We’ll also provide actionable tips on how you can leverage these trends to help your clients succeed.

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Table Of Contents:

2024 Marketing Trends for Fractional CMOs: A Guide
Embracing AI in Marketing Strategies
Navigating Search Engine Evolution

A shift to AEO or Answer Engine Optimization.

The Dominance of Video Marketing

AI-Driven Content Creation
Video Content and AI Efficiency

Prioritizing Data Privacy and Compliance

Leveraging First-Party Data for Targeted Marketing

Trust and Customer Experience is Key
Adapting to Market Trends as a Fractional CMO

Embracing AI in Marketing Strategies
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic in marketing for years, but in 2023, it had it’s moment and in 2024 it will become a cornerstone for our marketing strategy. AI-powered tools can help you with everything from content creation and social media management to data analysis and customer segmentation.
There’s no doubt it can help you create content, but there’s a lot more to AI than that.

As a fractional CMO, you can use AI to:

Brainstorm:  AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard can help you to generate ideas when you are not feeling creative.
Create personalized content: AI can help you generate blog posts, social media updates, and even email marketing campaigns that are tailored to your clients’ specific target audiences.
Automate tasks: AI can free up your time so you can focus on more strategic initiatives. For example, you can use AI to automate tasks like scheduling social media posts, responding to customer inquiries, and generating reports.
Make better decisions: AI can help you analyze data and identify trends that you might otherwise miss. This can help you make better decisions about your clients’ marketing campaigns.

Rev up your marketing with AI: Think less grunt work, more genius content. From tailored articles to multi-platform videos, it’s a game-changer for fractional CMOs. #AIMarketing #ContentRevolution Click to Tweet
Navigating Search Engine Evolution
Search engines are shifting, and as a fractional CMO, you’ve got to stay on your toes. Remember when search results were one-size-fits-all? Those days are long gone. Now we’re looking at answer engines that serve up tailor-made results like a personal concierge for every user.
Imagine this: two people type the same question into a search bar but get different answers. Why? Because these platforms now weigh in our browsing habits, location, and even the device we’re using to give us what they think we want. It’s all about making sure each click gets us closer to ‘the one’—that perfect piece of content or product.
Keyword stuffing will not work in 2024 nor has it for a long time. You’ll need to think more conversational AI-driven content creation because that’s how you’ll feed those hungry answer engines with quality bites they can’t resist sharing with users.
A shift to AEO or Answer Engine Optimization.
We will start to see AEO or Answer Engine Optimization  as the new SEO. Think of AEO as your content’s secret weapon for grabbing the spotlight in search results. It’s about crafting content that directly answers people’s questions, especially those phrased as queries. Imagine someone asking, “What’s the best way to potty train a puppy?” With AEO, your client’s helpful blog post on that exact topic could land smack dab in the coveted answer box at the top of the search page or your favorite LLM platform.
The Dominance of Video Marketing
“Video first” isn’t just a catchy phrase; it’s the reality of our content landscape. Video is no longer just one of the content types; it’s becoming the basis of content strategy.
The immediacy, the intimacy, and the versatility of video make it a powerful tool for storytelling, brand building, and customer engagement.
As a Fractional CMO, steering your clients towards a video-first content approach could be the game-changer they need.
AI-Driven Content Creation
Gone are the days when creating killer video content was an epic feat reserved for big-budget studios. Now, with AI even small marketing teams can churn out high-quality and effective videos.
Video Content and AI Efficiency
Talk about efficiency—AI isn’t just making video creation easier; it’s transforming repurposing into an art form itself. You can shoot a video once but cut countless ways to fit any social platform’s appetite—from bite-sized to long-form and even ads.

Creating video content for social media: Share short, engaging videos on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.
Using video for sales and marketing: Create video testimonials, product demos, and explainer videos
Running video ads: Video ads can be a great way to reach a large audience and generate leads.

Prioritizing Data Privacy and Compliance
Remember the time when you could collect user data without much fuss? Well, those days are gone. The digital marketing landscape has evolved drastically with stringent data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA taking center stage. For marketers, particularly fractional CMOs, it’s a game of staying ahead while playing by the new rules.
The spotlight is now on first-party data as third-party cookies crumble under regulatory pressure. You’ve got to get crafty in how you gather and use customer info directly from your audience—think website interactions or social media engagements—because let’s face it, that goldmine of third-party data isn’t what it used to be.
It’s not just about compliance; it’s about building trust. Show your customers you value their privacy as much as they do by implementing transparent practices for collecting and handling their information . It’s smart business because when customers trust you, they stick around longer—and we all know that loyalty pays off in spades.

As a fractional CMO, you can help your clients by:

Developing a data privacy policy: This policy should explain how your clients collect, use, and store customer data.
Obtaining consent from customers: Make sure your clients have consent from customers before collecting their data.
Being transparent about how data is used: Let customers know how their data will be used and give them the ability to opt out.

Leveraging First-Party Data for Targeted Marketing
Think of first-party data as the secret sauce that gives your marketing strategy its unique flavor. It’s information your clients’ customers willingly share, like website interactions or social media engagements. It’s a digital handshake where they say, “Here’s my info; show me something good.”
And with privacy rules tighter than ever, this direct connection is more valuable than ever before. Why? Because it lets you talk to folks on a level that feels almost psychic. No more throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks. Now, you’re using their own words and behaviors to craft laser-focused messages that resonate deeply. Imagine the conversion power!
Say goodbye to third-party cookies and hello to trust-building with first-party data. For fractional CMOs, it’s time to play smart in the privacy-first marketing arena. #DataPrivacy #MarketingTrends2024 ️ Click to Tweet
Trust and Customer Experience is Key
The pandemic’s silver lining? It cranked up customer expectations for top-notch service and convenience.
In 2024 companies can use AI tools to make every interaction feel like it’s tailor-made. You know when you walk into your favorite coffee shop and they start prepping your usual order before you even say hi? That’s the kind of personalized touch we’re talking about.
Fractional CMOs can utilize data to personalize their client’s customer journey though marketing messages and website content. They can also use these tools to make it easier to do business with you through frictionless checkout procedures and website navigation.
However, be careful, if these tools aren’t implemented and used correctly it do be more harm then good. And remember the best tool is the one that you know how to use.
AI bots are the new digital baristas, serving up personalized experiences faster than your favorite coffee spot. #CustomerServiceRevolution Click to Tweet
Adapting to Market Trends as a Fractional CMO
Fractional CMOs need to ride the wave of change, and 2024’s marketing landscape is all about smart tech and savvy strategies.
To sum it all up: With AI marketers can churn out top-notch material at warp speed, especially with video. It’s not just cat clips anymore; it’s becoming king in customer engagement.
The search game is also leveling up with engines getting smarter by serving personalized answers faster than you can say “SEO”. This means we’ve got to fine-tune our digital presence like never before—think less keyword stuffing, more answering real people’s questions.
Data privacy isn’t just nice-to-have; it’s must-have now. We’re swapping third-party cookies for first-party data treasure troves that keep us in line with GDPR while giving us killer insights straight from our audience.
Last but not least, trust and customer experience has become the golden ticket and will be key not just for 2024 but beyond.
2024’s marketing is a wild ride. AI boosts content, video reigns supreme, AEO takes over SEO, data privacy is king & TRUST is everything. #MarketingTrends #FractionalCMO Click to Tweet
Keep these insights close—they’re the compass for navigating tomorrow’s waves as a fractional CMO poised at the helm of change.

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