Let’s rank the top Thanksgiving foods for 2022

Before you put away your robes and gavels, I need to judge one more thing: the annual Thanksgiving foods competition.

It’s that time of year when I ask the best blog readers in the world (that’s you!) to rank the best Thanksgiving foods. Thirty-two items are divided into four categories (1) Proteins, (2) Starches, (3) Veggies, and (4) Desserts and Booze.
Take this poll and pick one winner in each category. Then, select an overall winner. I’ll post the results of this year’s survey on Friday!
Last year’s winners were Roasted Turkey, Stuffing (Overall Champion), Green Bean Casserole, and Pumpkin Pie. And, if I remember correctly, these four won the year before. So, this year, I handicapped the field to make it more difficult for last year’s winners to repeat — especially that nasty Green Bean Casserole.
But even if GBC is what floats your boat on Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for you.  And I’m thankful for the rest of you cultured readers who enjoy the snark, brevity, and occasional insights that these blog posts offer. I’m also thankful to Grammarly for helping me reduce the typos and grammar errors.
I wish all of you a happy, healthy, moist-turkey, Dallas-Cowboy-losing, politics-free holiday, surrounded by friends and family.