Join us TODAY at Noon ET for The Employer Handbook Zoom Happy Hour: “The ESSENTIAL Employment Law Updates for 2023″

I don’t know about you, but the COVID-19 pandemic has warped my sense of timing. Still, it seems like a lot happened in 2022 that warrants some discussion about how employers should revise their employee handbooks for 2023.

Covering 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico seems ambitious; perhaps a lift too heavy for one hour. So, we’ll highlight some of the changes around the country in 2022, foreshadow what’s on the horizon in 2023, and offer some proactive tips to update your handbooks.
Of course, these tips are not legal advice and are not intended to create any attorney-client relationship. Indeed, since there is no one-size-fits-all for employee handbooks, one of the non-legal tips we offer is to consult outside employment law counsel to determine the changes most appropriate for your company’s employee handbook.
Join me and my employment law partners,  Christina Bost Seaton and Amy Epstein Gluck , Today (12/16/22) at Noon ET  for  The Employer Handbook Zoom Office Hour: “The ESSENTIAL Employment Law Updates for 2023.”
Sound good? It’s the last Zoom of the year. So, it has to be a good one.
Go ahead now and  click  here  to register.