Free e-book: Get Self Assessment right each time

Need help sorting and filing your Self Assessment tax return ahead of the 31 January deadline?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help.

Get Self Assessment right each time is a free e-book where Sage experts answer real-life questions about completing tax returns and dealing with other aspects of income tax.

These queries came from sole traders, landlords, property owners, company directors, investors, and others.

The answers provide a valuable education in the important everyday details of being self-employed and dealing with income tax.

Look out for details on registering for Self Assessment, considering allowable expenses , and filing your tax return .

Download your free copy of Get Self Assessment right each time and get the support you need with your tax returns ahead of the 31 January deadline

Here are some of the topics we cover in the e-book:

Property income

Foreign income

Making Tax Digital

Registration and first Self Assessment

Payments on account

Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)

Self-employment and PAYE


Capital allowance

Capital gains

Limited companies.

Here’s some of the questions that are answered in the e-book

“Is payment on account mandatory or can I pay in full on 31 January?”

“If I receive a pension on top of my self-employment income, is it my responsibility to declare it as part of my Self Assessment or is it my pension provider’s responsibility to tax me?”

“What’s a self-employed capital allowance?”

“I am a PAYE employee but also have income from self-employment. Do I have to pay NI on my self-employment income or will it be just income tax?”

Final thoughts

So if it’s the first time you’re filing a Self Assessment tax return, or you’ve done it before but your circumstances have changed and you have a new requirement to fulfil, or you just need a refresher on tax returns, Get Self Assessment right each time will help you along the way.

Download it today and get your tax return sorted by the 31 January deadline.
The post Free e-book: Get Self Assessment right each time appeared first on Sage Advice United Kingdom .