How to Make $100 a Day on the Side for 100 Days: Real Life Results

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Making an extra $100 a day through side hustles might seem out of reach for many people. So how did one side hustler earn over $10,000 in just 100 days?
Jaclyn “Jackie” Mitchell ( @jaclynmitchell ) set out to save for a down payment on a house by breaking a big goal into bite-sized daily targets.
By earning $100 every day over 100 days, she ended up netting a total of $10,972 .
How’d she do it while working a full-time job?
By relentlessly testing quick-hitting remote side hustles , working in public to hold herself accountable, and opening herself up to unexpected income from building an audience.
Tune in to Episode 594 of The Side Hustle Show to learn:

how to break down big goals into small, daily actions
how to leverage communities for advice and accountability.
how to look for passive income opportunities
how consistency compounds over time


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Jackie’s Backstory
Jackie is no stranger to the side hustle game. She started strategically earning extra cash in college through sites like Swagbucks . At the time, she’d cash out earnings from promotional offers and simple activities to treat her boyfriend (now husband) to occasional nicer dinners.
While rewarding, those early side gig days didn’t push Jackie to fully commit to making side income a daily habit.
Fast forward to when Jackie and her husband were gearing up to buy their first home. They found themselves facing a $10,000 savings goal for their down payment fund.
Rather than find that big number daunting, Jackie broke it down into smaller goals. She sized her target to $100 per day, with the intent to hustle for 100 days straight. Even better, she decided to document the entire journey on her TikTok account.
The $100 a Day Challenge
When Jackie shared about her challenge on TikTok, she gained 50,000 likes overnight on the first video. Clear interest from the community upped the stakes—now she was committed not only to herself but to any followers seeking inspiration or proof that side hustling can stack up.

the way I calculated wrong and didnt realize I hadn’t actually hit $100 until this morning when I did the voiceover

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