How to access proven marketing ideas

Today, I’m going to show you how to access an endless supply of powerful marketing ideas. And that’s not all. You will have already, personally seen them working, before you even use them! It’s a process I call engaged observation and it can massively improve your sales results.

Here’s a very quick example of how engaged observation works. It can be applied to every type of marketing. However, here I’ll show how you could apply it to improve your social media marketing results.

Engaged observation example

The next time you’re scrolling through LinkedIn, Facebook, X, etc., and notice that you’ve stopped to read one of the posts, as an engaged observer you would look for what it was that motivated you to stop and take notice of that post.

Perhaps it was the kind of image used.

It might have been the audio.

Maybe it was the relationship you have with the person or brand posting it.

It could have been the headline.

Or the topic of the post.

And it may have been something totally different.

Whatever it was, you personally witnessed its effectiveness when you were motivated to stop and give it your attention. You know for absolute certain that it works.

Once you’ve identified what attracted you, for instance the kind of image used, you have a starting point. You now have an opportunity to improve your marketing, based on what you experienced. In this example, you can try using a similar kind of image. Then, test and measure the results.

Engaged observation can be used on anything, where you have been motivated to take action. For example, ask yourself:

What motivated you to fill in the enquiry form on a website?

What motivated you to spend more than you had budgeted on a new product?

What motivated you to try a new brand of shampoo?

What motivated you to add more items to an online shopping cart?

What motivated you to believe the product reviews on a certain website?

What motivated you to listen to a whole advertisement, rather then press skip?

What motivated you to hire your last adviser, coach, trainer or consultant?

What motivated you to choose a try a different restaurant to your usual one?

What motivated you to click on a call to action link/button?

What motivated you to tell your friends about a service provider or brand?

What motivated you to subscribe to a newsletter you receive?

What motivated you to call a particular service provider for a quote?

What motivated you to trust the last service provider you used?

What motivated you to buy the latest book, from an author you’ve never read before?

What motivated you to switch to your current phone network?

Behind each of those actions is a motivating factor. Something that inspired you to take action . Something that could inspire your prospects to take action . Something you can identify, adapt, test in your own marketing and measure the results.

Each time you use engaged observation, instead of starting from scratch with a new marketing tactic, you start with something you know is effective. This saves you time and helps you get it right, faster.

What I’ve done here, is show you a tiny number of examples, to open your mind to the huge number of marketing improvement opportunities open to you.

I hope you find it useful. Because if you use it correctly, it can profoundly improve your sales results.

Photo: Magda Ehlers on
How to access proven marketing ideas was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog

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