Ten times ten, times ten

Ten times ten, times ten is a thousand.

Do that another three times and you get a million.

Those who manage to make a million are the ones who can get motivated when it’s just $10, and then stay motivated when it’s only $1000, or $10,000 .

Because the jump from $10,000 to $100,000 isn’t that hard . And from $100,000 to $Million it’s even easier . And from a $1Million to $10Million is even easier than that .

Whether someone is building a business, building a fortune or building a subscriber base, there is a common thread.

The work at the beginning is disproportionately hard and unrewarding.

That’s a major reason why so few people achieve massive success with their business, their finances and their subscriber base.

The way you navigate that difficult, early period is critically important. It’s what determines whether you reach the part of the journey, where everything is easier, and the rewards are earth-shattering.
Ten times ten, times ten was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog

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