Measuring Customer Experience: Top 10 CX Metrics and KPIs for Success

Every interaction a customer has with your organization impacts their relationship with you. Yet, many companies may rely only on a few select high-level metrics when measuring customer experience (CX). Those customers are shortchanging themselves when it comes to their customer service goals .

To measure CX, first understand each step of the customer journey and the customer service tools guiding the way along those steps. Then, connect key metrics to each step that tells you if the customer is on the right path. We’ll break down measuring customer experience below and the 10 best metrics to measure it with.

Let’s jump right in.

How to Measure Customer Experience

Rather than skipping ahead to the end of a customer journey, dig down into the exact moments that need your attention to usher in the biggest changes. Companies that harness data-powered insights to become CX leaders have shown up to 70% higher customer loyalty and 190% higher revenue growth over three years, according to research from Boston Consulting Group .

To measure the customer experience, break up your CX analytics and metrics into steps of the customer journey.

To do this, we’ll create a framework that uses what you already know about your customers to measure the impact and efficiency of your CX initiatives.

1. Outline the customer journey & touchpoints along the way

Define your goals for the actions you want your customers to take by mapping your customer journey . For instance, your goals might be booking a demo, signing up for your service, onboarding other teammates, or even receiving a product on time.

Every journey to that goal comprises a series of “touchpoints” that customers go through, and each touchpoint is a focused opportunity to impro ve the customer experience . As you improve each touchpoint over time, you’ll start to identify larger opportunities and impact the overall customer experience with your company.

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