Top 17 Customer Service Metrics You Need to Track

Customer Service Metric Definition Customer service metrics are key performance indicators (KPIs) that help measure the efficiency of your support team, such as how long your customers are on hold, how long it takes agents to resolve an issue, your peak call hours, and much more.

The more value you create for your customers, the less you generally have to worry about losing their business. You can measure your effectiveness with several customer service metrics or KPIs that illustrate different parts of the customer experience.

The right customer experience tools help track these key metrics and improve service with a holistic view of the customer journey. At the same time, if you don’t meet customer expectations, they just might stray from your stable — and quickly.

At least one-third of consumers said they would consider switching companies after just one instance of bad customer service. Those customers didn’t just take their business elsewhere but were also likely to tell their peers or the general public about their poor customer service interactions.

We compiled these 17 best benchmarks to help nourish your customer relationships and avoid customer service pitfalls.

Average Wait Time

Rate of Answered Calls

First Contact Resolution Rate

Call Service-Level Agreement

Average Handle Time

Average Interactions Per Ticket

First Response Time

Average Response Time

Average Resolution Time

Issue Resolution Rate

Self-Service Usage


Customer Satisfaction Score

Net Promoter Score

Customer Effort Score

Customer Churn

Repurchase Rate

1. Average Wait Time 

Average wait time is the average time customers spend before connecting with a support agent.

No one likes waiting on hold, especially your customers with important questions about your products. When customers wait, they’re 16 times more likely to feel impatient than excited or any other non-negative emotion besides neutrality.

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