This creative marketing idea costs nothing and is super effective

Photo by Masud Allahverdizade on

It’s a simple marketing idea. It costs you nothing. And I’ve seen it work extremely well. Moreover, it works for a diverse array of retailers and service providers.

Creative marketing in action

I had a creative marketing idea around 6-months ago. I wondered what might happen, if my friend added a word of the day to the specials menu board that’s behind the counter of her coffee shop. A word that’s interesting, funny or quirky.

I gave her the first word to get her started. It’s a word I have a close attachment to: Balter . T o dance clumsily, with enthusiasm .

Anyhow, a month or so later she called me with an update.

Her customers started talking about the word of the day almost immediately.

Soon, she and her team noticed customers who previously only spoke to them when placing their order, started speaking with them about that day’s word.

Then, some of their customers started taking photos of the word of the day (which is on the specials menu board) and sharing it with their friends via social media

So that’s better customer engagement. Plus, free organic publicity for their specials menu, which now gets spread locally across social media.

That’s pretty good, eh!

I have now shared this idea with other business owners, who gave it a try. Again, the results have been similar, but only for retailers who have premises or service providers who have clients or prospects visit their premises.

Will it work for you? There’s only one way to know for certain. Give it a try.
This creative marketing idea costs nothing and is super effective was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog