What ‘Data Never Sleeps 9.0’ proves about the pandemic

Every year, Domo conducts a topical study on the sheer volume, velocity, and variety of data generated and distributed over the internet. And every year, the resulting report, which we call “Data Never Sleeps,” gives us some insight into how people are using technology in their daily lives. Last week, we released the ninth edition of DNS, and what it revealed, more than anything, was just how much of an impact the pandemic has had on how we work and how we live. It’s no surprise how the type of modernization and change we’ve seen happen in the workplace is showing up everywhere else, such as in how we dine, how we socialize, and even how we consume entertainment. COVID-19 was the spark, of course, and is what has accelerated the transformation of business practices and processes, too. With the rise of remote work, for example, we made our homes our offices, got to know digital meeting spaces such as Zoom like never before, and filled our phones with apps that would allow us to conduct ordinary tasks at work and at home, blurring the lines between enterprise technology and consumer technology even more.  This is the new normal, and if we want to thrive going forward—both individually and as organizations—we’re going to have to continue to reimagine our rhythms at both work and at home, as well as find ways to use technology to bring those new cadences to life faster and easier. If companies especially are willing to do it, they will only become more agile, more cohesive, and better prepared for whatever comes next. To get a glimpse at just how much data was created every single minute across high-traffic platforms and apps in 2020, check out the infographic below.

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