How Domo’s new filter views make data exploration easier

Like chocolate, movie marathons, and all-you-can-eat shrimp buffets, data is a good thing that’s easy to have too much of. If you give your users access to all your data, they can quickly become overwhelmed with where to focus, preventing you from telling the story you want to communicate.

At the same time, if you limit their access to data, you risk preventing users from being able to explore on their own and answer questions. And, of course, different users require different insights, making it difficult to create one dashboard that accomplishes everything for everyone.

As part of Domo’s July 2021 product release , we’ve made data exploration easier with new dashboard filter views .

Instead of creating multiple dashboards for different users or limiting the data you share, you can now create one dashboard that delivers filtered views for each user depending on their role. 

To help you guide users, you can designate a saved filter as the default view for a dashboard.

You can also curate and share other important filters so that all your users can access the same views as needed. This helps create alignment on specific perspectives while still giving users the ability to look at the data in different ways as they see fit.

In addition, users can create and save their own filter presets to act as a bookmark for any data view they find most relevant. This personalized view is only seen by the individual user, ensuring that their view of the data doesn’t impact what others see. That said, users can also share these custom-built filters with others who might find them valuable. Any filter they create will be based on only the columns you make available to them, ensuring you maintain ultimate control of the story you are trying to tell.

To protect data, the new filter views won’t override the personalized data permission settings for a dataset. This means that a user won’t be able to access data that isn’t available to them even if it fits the filter parameters.

Learn more about applying page-level filters with filter views. The post How Domo’s new filter views make data exploration easier first appeared on Blog .