Big Data London: A curious look at confidence and data strategy

Recently Domo presented at Big Data London, and set up a vending machine that asked attendees a few questions about themselves and the technical environments that they work in (and in turn, distributed some fun Domo swag). Curious about the data (of course!), I uploaded the results into Domo and did some analysis. The team also created a pretty cool infographic based on the data here .

The dashboard with the full results is at the bottom of this post, but I wanted to share my big takeaway. 

Two of the questions asked were on a) whether or not an attendee’s organization centralizes their data and b) how confident they were in their data and analytics tech stack’s ability to adapt to their long-term plans. I was curious on how correlated the data centralization was to their confidence and visualized it in a few different ways. 

The first thing I wanted to do was take a look at the heat map. These can be useful in looking for correlations and when sorted properly, you can show a correlation flowing down a diagonal. 

This does show a correlation, but if you think that the above is a little too busy or difficult to understand below you can see a 100% stacked bar chart comparing the confidence that attendees had in their tech stack. Here, I was only looking at those answering yes or no. Answering ‘I think so’ or ‘Unsure’ indicates uncertainty, and the story below shows the correlation for those who are sure of their infrastructure and data centralization strategy.  

While it doesn’t show every answer, it tells the same story as the heat map, just clearer for you to understand. A quick glance shows that attendees with centralized data are far more confident in their stack’s ability to achieve their long-term plans. 

The full interactive dashboard is below:

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