Are Products Sold On Temu Made With Forced Labor?

©iStock/zhaojiankang Temu, a Chinese-owned e-commerce company, selling everything from clothes to electronics and furniture, first launched in the US in 2022 and later in the UK and the rest of the world.  In case you missed it, they also did six 30-second commercials during this year's Super Bowl that pulled in a record 123 million Americans.  That's the good news. The bad news: The shopping giant has been criticized by politicians in the UK and US - a US government investigation finding an "extremely high risk" that products sold on Temu could have been made with forced labor. Temu says it "strictly prohibits" the use of forced, penal, or child labor by all its merchants. Read more here how Temu is shaking up the world of online shopping. Check out its history here  – from the Cayman Islands to Dublin.