Click, Chat, Conquer: How to Implement Digital Customer Care

Gone are the days when a single phone number was the hero of customer care. 

In today’s hyper-connected landscape, B2B and B2C customers expect exceptional service across multiple touchpoints — from the constant use of social media and messaging apps to self-service portals and AI-powered chatbots.

That’s where a digital customer care strategy steps in to save the day. This omnichannel approach empowers your business to deliver seamless customer experiences, build stronger customer relationships, gain a powerful edge over competitors, and more.

But what exactly is digital customer care, and how should your business implement it? Keep reading to learn a few best practices or risk falling behind.

What Is Digital Customer Care?

Digital customer care leverages various online channels to provide convenient, personalized, and efficient customer support. This comprehensive support ecosystem empowers customers to connect on their terms — wherever, whenever. 

We can break down digital customer care into five key pillars:

1. Omnichannel support

Imagine a customer with a burning question about your product. They reach for their phone — not to dial your contact center, but to fire off a quick message on your company’s social media page or access the self-service portal.

In a multichannel support system, these disconnected service silos keep customer information hidden from your agents, which often results in poor resolution and customer satisfaction.

But in an omnichannel support system, customers are free to choose their preferred method of communication, whether via phone, email, text messages/SMS, live chat, or other means. Even better? Their data and interactions integrate into a single, easy-to-access platform for your agents to see.

Statistics show that 86% of consumers expect this seamless communication across multiple channels with customer support. Two in five US consumers even say they’ve used three or more channels to reach a company’s customer service team.

Digital customer care is all about empowering customers to choose the communication method that best suits their needs, inquiries, and preferences.

2. Always-on accessibility

Customers don’t operate on a nine-to-five schedule anymore. Digital customer care provides a level of “always-on” accessibility to ensure your customers can find information or get help whenever needed.

Options like chatbots can handle basic inquiries 24/7, while knowledge base articles offer self-service solutions. This around-the-clock support caters to people across time zones and with varied schedules to boost customer satisfaction and resolutions.

3. Personalized interactions

According to recent customer service statistics , 68% of people feel brands should create personalized experiences in every interaction, including customer support. 

A well-equipped digital care system leverages tools, AI, and data analytics to:

Instantly recognize customers and provide agents with a snapshot of their customer journey .

Offer personalized support, recommendations, and solutions.

Integrate chatbots that learn from past interactions and tailor responses accordingly.

4. Proactive service

A digital customer care strategy includes tools that anticipate customer needs and provide support before issues arise or escalate. 

Your proactive service may involve:

Sending automated reminders.

Sharing targeted product information based on past purchases.

Flagging potential problems based on account activity.

Engaging customers with personalized updates and information.

Using social listening tools to address potential issues and offer proactive solutions.

Businesses fail to address about half of customers’ social media complaints, and more than two-thirds of customers say they want organizations to “reach out and engage with proactive customer notifications.”

Digital customer care helps you cover your bases.

5. Efficiency and scalability

Digital tools built for customer service automation reduce agent involvement and streamline workflows so support team members can focus on resolving more complex issues. 

While AI-powered technologies automate repetitive tasks and chatbots handle routine customer inquiries efficiently, your team improves response times and ultimately helps more people.

Digital channels are inherently scalable, allowing you to easily manage an influx of inquiries without significant infrastructure or resource investments as your company grows.

Why Does Digital Customer Care Matter for My Business?

Investing in digital customer support is about keeping up with the times and giving your business a strategic edge. 

The following five benefits can help skyrocket your brand to the next level

Enhanced customer satisfaction

The greater the customer effort to resolve issues, the higher their dissatisfaction. But everyone loves prompt, convenient, efficient, personalized support across their favorite channels, so you’ll significantly improve customer satisfaction, boost customer loyalty and retention, and increase word-of-mouth referrals.

After all, surveys reveal that:

Consumers are 5.1 times more likely to recommend a brand after an excellent customer service experience. They’re also 3.5 times more likely to purchase from a business after positive customer experiences.

Consumers who report a good customer service experience are 38% more likely to recommend that company than consumers who received bad customer service.

94% of consumers who give a company a great customer service experience rating are likely to purchase more products or services from that company in the future.

Increased operational efficiency

Omnichannel contact center software automates repetitive, routine tasks to free up your customer care team to focus on complex issues and provide high-touch support.

Unified, streamlined communication also provides all the information agents need to resolve concerns quickly and efficiently the first time.

You’ll reduce your agents’ workload, decrease call center turnover, shorten resolution times, and elevate your customer service simultaneously. That’s why recent whitepapers show that:

79% of businesses consider automation necessary in their customer experience strategy.

Classifying service issues with AI and automatically routing incoming customer contacts increases agent productivity by 1.2 hours a day.

Nearly two-thirds of customer service tasks and up to 70% of contacts can be automated with an AI-powered omnichannel contact center solution.

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