Customer Success, Our Only Job

I am very happy to join Domo as the VP of Customer Success. Josh let me choose that title because it aligns my new responsibilities with what our clients need from Domo. We are here at Domo because we believe we can redefine business intelligence by transforming how data is used within an enterprise. The only reason we want to do that is to help you to achieve your business goals.
How are we going to make you, our clients, successful? Three primary keys are needed:

We listen
We execute
We partner

I’ve been lucky to have spent the past 12 years working directly with customers and helping them articulate what they are trying to achieve, what problems they have identified and how we can help them get where they want to go.
“Asking the next question” has been a key part of not just uncovering the symptoms of the pain, but getting to the root of the problem or challenge. A typical software vendor might start the conversation with “Our policy is…” or by referring its clients to its support model and collecting additional fees for supporting the product. The partnership model means we start our conversation with you by asking “How can we help?”
It is then our job to execute against the challenges we uncover and deliver the solutions that turn that pain into increased revenue for our customers. Execution is all about removing obstacles for you and allowing you to implement, leverage and constantly set new goals within the solution. It is our job to properly document the implementation process, to provide guidance and training on how to leverage the solutions and to be there to support you. Our next step is to answer your question “What should I do next to keep improving?”
To make sure we’re executing against these objectives, we’ll be measuring ourselves and we’ll be measuring how you use our solution. How fast did we implement? How is the data being used? How have you used the solution to improve your business? How many users are logging in? The listening starts when you tell us your challenges, but our partnership is a continual process of constantly providing value. The implementation process is just a start to our relationship.
I look forward to the challenges of helping Domo’s clients redefine the model around how they leverage their data and achieve the success that you and they have previously not been able to achieve. Our success is defined by your success.
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