Get Noticed with Smart Marketing

Marketing is essential for your business to stand out. It helps you build a strong brand. There have never been more opportunities to market your business. With the rise of social media and digital communication channels, so many doors of opportunity have opened to raise awareness around your products or services. 

This can leave many business owners feeling overwhelmed, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Once you understand marketing for a small business, you can put together a plan to get your offers in front of more people.

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12 must-try strategies for your business

How can you market your company and maximize the value of your efforts? Here’s a look at the steps to consider.

1. Know your audience

Analytics tools help you understand your audience, everything from their age to what they like. This insight helps your marketing resonate. Creating buyer personas is also crucial. All of these activities will help you serve them better.

Once you have this data, think about what you offer and who is most likely to purchase from you. For example, if your retail store sells children’s clothing, you might target families in your area. If you’re in the luxury travel space, you may consider targeting business professionals.

2. Emphasize your value proposition

Your value proposition tells customers why they should pick you. Get creative here. Use stories to make your value proposition memorable and help customers connect with your brand.

This should be clear in all your marketing materials, but remember that it can change. Take time to reassess as your business evolves, so your value proposition is always relevant and true. 

3. Understand the power of existing customers

Your current customers are one of the most valuable assets you have. They’re more likely to buy from you again and can help bring in new customers by spreading the word about your business. Nurture these relationships through loyalty programs and engaging digital interactions.

The reality is, that companies have a 60-70% chance of selling to an existing customer vs. a 5-20% chance of selling to a new customer. Be sure to show current customers they matter and have a process for taking their feedback on what you can do to improve.

4. Use free promotional tools

Most small businesses don’t start with a lot of money. That’s why it’s so valuable to find solutions that you can get started with for free. This way, can you meet your goals without overextending your budget.

There are many free tools to help you boost visibility. Platforms like Google My Business and Yelp help you connect with customers and appear in searches. Claim your business listings on relevant local sites to increase your online presence. 

Marketing options like these expand your reach without requiring you to increase your budget. They also influence the way customers perceive you. A study from Yelp found that 93% of people compare businesses on their platform before making a decision.

5. Create a website

Your business needs a website that works. This allows potential customers to find information about your products and services. It serves as a one-stop shop for customers to learn about you. There are a few areas of focus that will make your website effective.

Intuitive design makes it easy for customers to find information.

Optimization helps to keep your website accessible across devices. 

Including a call to action tells your customers what you’d like them to do next.

6. Consider blogging

Blogging can draw people to your site and establish your expertise. Consistently publishing blog content allows you to establish authority in your industry and proactively address your audience’s questions. 

Share posts covering your business values, upcoming events, or helpful tips to support your SEO efforts and build stronger customer connections. As you gain traction, you can reach your target audience at all stages, from browsers to returning customers.

7. Promote yourself on social media

Social media is a good way to promote your business. Choose platforms where your target audience spends their time. Then, create a consistent posting schedule featuring a mix of educational and promotional content. 

That’s what will allow you to make the most impact. Be sure to track your results regularly. That way, you can refine your strategy as you continue to learn about what works.

8. Collaborate with influencers

Influencer marketing can increase your visibility. Not sure where to start? Research influencers in your niche whose audience aligns with your target customer. Partnering with them for sponsored content can expose your brand to new potential buyers organically.

Work with influencers who reflect your brand’s values to reach your audience authentically. Focusing on genuine content will help you leave an impression on people in the places they’re naturally browsing. 

9. Create short-form video content

If you haven’t gotten the ball rolling on video content for your business, now is the time to start. Research shows that video usage grew 24% in 2022, now equating to 65% of all internet traffic.

Short-form videos grab attention and spread information fast. Bite-sized video content keeps your brand top of mind. Getting creative with this can help you stand out from competitors.

10. Invest in ads

Paid ads allow you to reach your ideal customers directly. Options like Google Ads and social media advertising offer precise targeting and cost control. Brands generate an average of $2 for every $1 spent on the Google advertising platform. This means every dollar you spend can boost your bottom line.

That said, experiment with ad formats and track your ROI. This will help you make sure every ad view counts. While ROI on ads is typically high, you still need to keep an eye on performance for this strategy to work for you. 

11. Use email marketing

Email marketing is a great strategy for converting leads into customers. Start by building a subscriber list. Then, segment your audience. Send targeted campaigns highlighting your latest promotions, announcements, and content tailored to their interests.

It’s worth taking the time to ramp up your email marketing for small business. That’s because 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach customers. It’s one of the most effective ways to get the word out.

12. Get local with SEO

For businesses relying on local customers, SEO can make a big difference. Focus on local keywords and ask for reviews to attract more visitors. Incorporate location-based terms throughout your website and create locally focused content optimized for where you operate.

Research shows that the top three Google search results get over 75% of all clicks . To get those clicks, incorporate keywords you want to rank for on pages across your website and in your content.

Make marketing more manageable 

Marketing for small businesses doesn’t require a big budget or complicated strategies. Get the word out there by having a plan and using the right tools. By taking advantage of these options, you can drive awareness and increase engagement with your brand.

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