Easy does it. No it doesn’t!

In business, easy is overrated.

It’s easy  to meet our customer’s expectations. Easier than exceeding their wildest dreams and giving them a great experience to share with their friends.

It’s easy  to settle for less than we are capable of. Easier than kicking forward, and growing a business that provides rewards, which will massively increase our quality of life.

It’s easy  to lower prices or fees in order to be more competitive. Easier than finding ways to vastly increase the value we provide , so our customers are delighted to pay more.

Yes, it’s easy. But we started out with the goal of building a successful business, not an easy one. 

Ironically, as our business becomes more successful, everything gets easier. That’s because commercial success is an exceptionally powerful motivator.
Easy does it. No it doesn’t! was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog