You don’t need more awareness. This is what you need

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When a business owner is failing to get the sales they need, increased awareness is almost never the issue .

Think about it.

If all they needed was increased awareness, they could just advertise their product or service correctly. Depending on their advertising budget, they could reach thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions of prospects. And fast.

It’s far, far more likely they have a different problem.

Most commonly, it’s one or both of the following.

It could be that too few people who are aware of (whatever they sell), are motivated enough to buy it. In this case, the business owner needs to figure out how to inspire prospective clients or customers to take action.

It could also be that too few people who do buy it, are impressed enough to tell their friends or become a repeat customer. In this case, the business owner needs to improve their product or service. They need to make it highly referable. Something worth talking about .

Now what?

The first challenge is to identify and accept the actual problem. Acceptance is by far the hardest part. In my experience, once the problem has been accepted by the business owner, they’re 90% of the way to resolving the whole issue. 

The second challenge is correcting the problem. And that’s massively easier. There are lots of proven ways to quickly and inexpensively put things right.
You don’t need more awareness. This is what you need was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog