Employee Time Tracking 101: Best Practices from an HR Expert

I returned from an HR conference and dumped my swag bag on the table. My husband, who is a consultant and has absolutely nothing to do with HR, said, “Oh, I hate—” and then he named one of the companies on my swag collection.
“Why on earth do you hate them?” I asked. After all, their swag was particularly lovely.
As a consultant, he has to track his hours for billing. Which means he uses time tracking software. He hates it. He’s not the only one.
Here’s why. If you create one product, you can see what happens quickly. When everyone worked on a farm or in a factory, there was a tangible product at the end of the day. You could count the widgets or weigh the corn. Productivity monitoring was easy.
Knowledge workers are different. Take that strategy meeting for a client—was it productive or unproductive? You may know when the project finishes, six months down the line, or even longer. But you’d like to know sooner. That’s where  project time tracking  comes in.
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